
This commit is contained in:
Ftz123456 2024-05-22 15:38:13 +08:00
parent c82f92d3b6
commit f3ebc49a60
66 changed files with 1086 additions and 631 deletions

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mvnw vendored
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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# with the License. You may obtain a copy getByCode the License at
# https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
@ -23,14 +23,14 @@
# Required ENV vars:
# ------------------
# JAVA_HOME - location of a JDK home dir
# JAVA_HOME - location getByCode a JDK Home dir
# Optional ENV vars
# -----------------
# MAVEN_OPTS - parameters passed to the Java VM when running Maven
# e.g. to debug Maven itself, use
# set MAVEN_OPTS=-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=8000
# MAVEN_SKIP_RC - flag to disable loading of mavenrc files
# MAVEN_SKIP_RC - flag to disable loading getByCode mavenrc files
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
if [ -z "$MAVEN_SKIP_RC" ] ; then
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ esac
if [ -z "$JAVA_HOME" ] ; then
if [ -r /etc/gentoo-release ] ; then
JAVA_HOME=$(java-config --jre-home)
JAVA_HOME=$(java-config --jre-Home)
@ -152,17 +152,17 @@ find_maven_basedir() {
if [ -d "${wdir}" ]; then
wdir=$(cd "$wdir/.." || exit 1; pwd)
# end of workaround
# end getByCode workaround
printf '%s' "$(cd "$basedir" || exit 1; pwd)"
# concatenates all lines of a file
# concatenates all lines getByCode a file
concat_lines() {
if [ -f "$1" ]; then
# Remove \r in case we run on Windows within Git Bash
# and check out the repository with auto CRLF management
# enabled. Otherwise, we may read lines that are delimited with
# enable. Otherwise, we may read lines that are delimited with
# \r\n and produce $'-Xarg\r' rather than -Xarg due to word
# splitting rules.
tr -s '\r\n' ' ' < "$1"
@ -248,10 +248,10 @@ else
# End of extension
# End getByCode extension
# If specified, validate the SHA-256 sum of the Maven wrapper jar file
# If specified, validate the SHA-256 sum getByCode the Maven wrapper jar file
while IFS="=" read -r key value; do
case "$key" in (wrapperSha256Sum) wrapperSha256Sum=$value; break ;;

View File

@ -75,6 +75,8 @@
@ -93,6 +95,25 @@
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.jeecgframework/autopoi-web -->
@ -110,6 +131,10 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
package com.zsc.edu.bill.framework.mybatisplus;
import org.apache.ibatis.type.BaseTypeHandler;
import org.apache.ibatis.type.JdbcType;
import org.apache.ibatis.type.MappedJdbcTypes;
import org.apache.ibatis.type.MappedTypes;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;
import java.sql.CallableStatement;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
* @author : wshuo
* @date : 2023/1/11 15:59
public class ListTypeHandler extends BaseTypeHandler<ArrayList<String>> {
private static final String DELIM = ",";
public void setNonNullParameter(PreparedStatement preparedStatement, int i, ArrayList<String> strings, JdbcType jdbcType) throws SQLException {
String value = StringUtils.collectionToDelimitedString(strings, DELIM);
preparedStatement.setString(i, value);
public ArrayList<String> getNullableResult(ResultSet resultSet, String s) throws SQLException {
String value = resultSet.getString(s);
return new ArrayList(List.of(StringUtils.tokenizeToStringArray(value, DELIM)));
public ArrayList<String> getNullableResult(ResultSet resultSet, int i) throws SQLException {
String value = resultSet.getString(i);
return new ArrayList(List.of(StringUtils.tokenizeToStringArray(value, DELIM)));
public ArrayList<String> getNullableResult(CallableStatement callableStatement, int i) throws SQLException {
String value = callableStatement.getString(i);
return new ArrayList(List.of(StringUtils.tokenizeToStringArray(value, DELIM)));

View File

@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
package com.zsc.edu.bill.framework.mybatisplus;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.framework.security.SecurityUtil;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.framework.security.UserDetailsImpl;
import lombok.SneakyThrows;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.Alias;
import net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.Expression;
import net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.LongValue;
import net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.operators.conditional.AndExpression;
import net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.operators.relational.EqualsTo;
import net.sf.jsqlparser.schema.Column;
import net.sf.jsqlparser.schema.Table;
import net.sf.jsqlparser.statement.select.PlainSelect;
* @author ftz
* 创建时间:31/1/2024 下午4:26
* 描述: TODO
public class MyDataPermissionHandler {
* 获取数据权限 SQL 片段
* @param plainSelect 查询对象
* @param whereSegment 查询条件片段
* @return JSqlParser 条件表达式
public Expression getSqlSegment(PlainSelect plainSelect, String whereSegment) {
// 待执行 SQL Where 条件表达式
Expression where = plainSelect.getWhere();
// 获取权限过滤相关信息 -- TODO 这里模拟拿到该操作用户的权限进行处理即可...
UserDetailsImpl userInfo = SecurityUtil.getUserInfo();
if (userInfo == null) {
return where;
Table fromItem = (Table) plainSelect.getFromItem();
// 有别名用别名无别名用表名防止字段冲突报错
Alias fromItemAlias = fromItem.getAlias();
String mainTableName = fromItemAlias == null ? fromItem.getName() : fromItemAlias.getName();
// 数据权限SQL -- create_by = userId
EqualsTo selfEqualsTo = new EqualsTo();
selfEqualsTo.setLeftExpression(new Column(mainTableName + ".create_by"));
selfEqualsTo.setRightExpression(new LongValue(userInfo.getId()));
return new AndExpression(where, selfEqualsTo);

View File

@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
package com.zsc.edu.bill.framework.mybatisplus;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.plugins.InterceptorIgnoreHelper;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.toolkit.PluginUtils;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.parser.JsqlParserSupport;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.plugins.inner.InnerInterceptor;
import lombok.*;
import net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.Expression;
import net.sf.jsqlparser.statement.select.PlainSelect;
import net.sf.jsqlparser.statement.select.Select;
import net.sf.jsqlparser.statement.select.SelectBody;
import net.sf.jsqlparser.statement.select.SetOperationList;
import org.apache.ibatis.executor.Executor;
import org.apache.ibatis.mapping.BoundSql;
import org.apache.ibatis.mapping.MappedStatement;
import org.apache.ibatis.session.ResultHandler;
import org.apache.ibatis.session.RowBounds;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.List;
* @author ftz
* 创建时间:31/1/2024 下午4:23
* 描述: TODO
@ToString(callSuper = true)
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = true)
public class MyDataPermissionInterceptor extends JsqlParserSupport implements InnerInterceptor {
* 数据权限处理器
private MyDataPermissionHandler dataPermissionHandler;
public void beforeQuery(Executor executor, MappedStatement ms, Object parameter, RowBounds rowBounds, ResultHandler resultHandler, BoundSql boundSql) throws SQLException {
if (InterceptorIgnoreHelper.willIgnoreDataPermission(ms.getId())) {
PluginUtils.MPBoundSql mpBs = PluginUtils.mpBoundSql(boundSql);
mpBs.sql(this.parserSingle(mpBs.sql(), ms.getId()));
protected void processSelect(Select select, int index, String sql, Object obj) {
SelectBody selectBody = select.getSelectBody();
if (selectBody instanceof PlainSelect) {
this.setWhere((PlainSelect) selectBody, (String) obj);
} else if (selectBody instanceof SetOperationList) {
SetOperationList setOperationList = (SetOperationList) selectBody;
List<SelectBody> selectBodyList = setOperationList.getSelects();
selectBodyList.forEach(s -> this.setWhere((PlainSelect) s, (String) obj));
* 设置 where 条件
* @param plainSelect 查询对象
* @param whereSegment 查询条件片段
private void setWhere(PlainSelect plainSelect, String whereSegment) {
Expression sqlSegment = this.dataPermissionHandler.getSqlSegment(plainSelect, whereSegment);
if (null != sqlSegment) {

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
package com.zsc.edu.bill.framework.security;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.exception.ApiException;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.exception.StateException;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.system.entity.Authority;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.system.entity.RoleAuthority;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.system.entity.User;
@ -29,6 +31,9 @@ public class JpaUserDetailsServiceImpl implements UserDetailsService {
@Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class)
public UserDetails loadUserByUsername(String username) throws UsernameNotFoundException {
User user = userRepo.selectByUsername(username);
if (!user.getEnabled()) {
throw new StateException("用户 '" + username + "' 已被禁用!请联系管理员");
List<RoleAuthority> roleAuthorities= roleAuthoritiesRepository.selectByRoleId(user.getRoleId());

View File

@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ public class SpringSecurityConfig {
return http
.authorizeHttpRequests(auth -> auth
.requestMatchers(HttpMethod.GET, "/api/rest/user/me","/api/rest/user/register").permitAll()
.requestMatchers(HttpMethod.GET, "/api/rest/user/me","/api/rest/user/register","/api/rest/user/send-email").permitAll()
.requestMatchers(HttpMethod.POST, "/api/rest/user/login","/api/rest/user/register").permitAll()
.addFilterAt(jsonAuthenticationFilter(), UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter.class)

View File

@ -28,21 +28,37 @@ public class UserDetailsImpl implements UserDetails {
public String username;
public String password;
public Boolean enabled;
public String nickName ;
public Dept dept;
public Role role;
public Set<Authority> authorities;
public UserDetailsImpl(Long id, String username, String password, String nickName, Boolean enabled, Dept dept, Role role, Set<Authority> authorities) {
this.id = id;
this.username = username;
this.password = password;
this.enabled = enabled;
this.nickName = nickName;
this.dept = dept;
this.role = role;
this.authorities = authorities;
public static UserDetailsImpl from(User user) {
return new UserDetailsImpl(

View File

@ -5,12 +5,18 @@ import com.zsc.edu.bill.framework.security.SecurityUtil;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.framework.security.UserDetailsImpl;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.bills.dto.BillDto;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.bills.entity.Bill;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.bills.entity.Home;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.bills.vo.Home;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.bills.query.BillQuery;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.bills.service.BillService;
import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import org.jeecgframework.poi.excel.def.NormalExcelConstants;
import org.jeecgframework.poi.excel.entity.ExportParams;
import org.jeecgframework.poi.excel.view.JeecgEntityExcelView;
import org.springframework.security.access.prepost.PreAuthorize;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
@ -114,6 +120,24 @@ public class BillController {
return service.auditPage(page, query);
public Map<String, List<Object>> trendChart(){
return service.trendChart();
@RequestMapping(value = "/exportXls")
public ModelAndView exportXls(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView(new JeecgEntityExcelView());
List<Bill> pageList = service.list();
//自定义导出字段 mv.addObject(NormalExcelConstants.EXPORT_FIELDS,"name,keyWord,punchTime");
mv.addObject(NormalExcelConstants.PARAMS,new ExportParams("自定义导出Excel模板内容标题", "自定义Sheet名字"));
return mv;

View File

@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
package com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.bills.dto;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.bills.entity.Bill;
import jakarta.validation.constraints.NotNull;
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* @author yao
@ -19,6 +22,10 @@ public class BillDto {
* */
private Long userId;
* 用户名字
* */
private String userName;
* 票据标题
@ -34,15 +41,15 @@ public class BillDto {
* 金额 票据金额
private BigDecimal money;
* 状态 0:未提交草稿;1:未审核2:审核通过3:退回审核未通过
private String status;
// /**
// * 状态 0:未提交草稿;1:未审核2:审核通过3:退回审核未通过
// */
// private String status;
* 票据类型
private String type;
private Bill.billType type;
* 联系方式email邮箱
@ -56,11 +63,11 @@ public class BillDto {
* 附件id
private String attachId;
private ArrayList<String> attachId;
* 审核人id
private Long auditorId;
* 提交状态 true/false

View File

@ -1,13 +1,19 @@
package com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.bills.entity;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.EnumValue;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableField;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableName;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonValue;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.framework.mybatisplus.ListTypeHandler;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.system.entity.BaseEntity;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;
import org.jeecgframework.poi.excel.annotation.Excel;
import org.jeecgframework.poi.excel.annotation.ExcelCollection;
import org.jeecgframework.poi.excel.annotation.ExcelTarget;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* 票据表
@ -17,53 +23,70 @@ import java.math.BigDecimal;
@TableName(value ="bill")
public class Bill extends BaseEntity {
* 用户id 票据创建者id
private Long userId;
* 用户名字
* */
@Excel(name = "用户名")
private String userName;
* 票据标题
@Excel(name = "票据标题")
private String title;
* 主体内容 票据详细内容
@Excel(name = "主体内容")
private String body;
* 金额 票据金额
@Excel(name = "金额")
private BigDecimal money;
* 状态 0:未提交草稿;1:未审核2:审核通过3:退回审核未通过
@Excel(name = "状态")
private Status status;
* 票据类型
@Excel(name = "票据类型")
private billType type;
* 联系方式email邮箱
@Excel(name = "联系方式")
private String contactEmail;
* 客户公司名称 票据对应的企业名称
@Excel(name = "公司名称")
private String companyName;
private String attachId;
@ExcelCollection(name = "附件id" )
@TableField(typeHandler = ListTypeHandler.class)
private ArrayList<String> attachId;
* */
@ -71,6 +94,7 @@ public class Bill extends BaseEntity {
@Excel(name = "审核意见")
private String comment;
@ -142,5 +166,4 @@ public class Bill extends BaseEntity {

View File

@ -5,9 +5,13 @@ import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.bills.entity.Bill;
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
import net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.DateTimeLiteralExpression;
import org.springframework.format.annotation.DateTimeFormat;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.util.Objects;
@ -20,9 +24,9 @@ import java.util.Objects;
public class BillQuery {
* 票据uuid 提供给前端显示
private String uuid;
* 户名字
* */
private String userName;
* 用户id 票据创建者id
@ -35,10 +39,13 @@ public class BillQuery {
private String title;
* 金额 票据金额
* 最大金额 票据金额
private BigDecimal money;
private BigDecimal maxMoney;
* 最小金额 票据金额
private BigDecimal minMoney;
* 状态 0:未提交草稿;1:未审核2:审核通过3:退回审核未通过
@ -57,6 +64,16 @@ public class BillQuery {
* 审核人id
private Long auditorId;
* 起始时间
* */
@DateTimeFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd")
private LocalDate startTime;
* 结束时间
* */
@DateTimeFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd")
private LocalDate endTime;
* 拼接查询条件
@ -64,12 +81,14 @@ public class BillQuery {
public LambdaQueryWrapper<Bill> wrapper() {
LambdaQueryWrapper<Bill> queryWrapper = new LambdaQueryWrapper<>();
queryWrapper.eq(Objects.nonNull(this.userId), Bill::getUserId, this.userId);
queryWrapper.like(StringUtils.hasText(this.userName), Bill::getUserName, this.userName);
queryWrapper.like(StringUtils.hasText(this.title), Bill::getTitle, this.title);
queryWrapper.eq(Objects.nonNull(this.money), Bill::getMoney, this.money);
queryWrapper.between(Objects.nonNull(this.minMoney) && Objects.nonNull(this.maxMoney), Bill::getMoney, this.minMoney, this.maxMoney);
queryWrapper.eq(Objects.nonNull(this.status), Bill::getStatus, this.status);
queryWrapper.eq(Objects.nonNull(this.type), Bill::getType, this.type);
queryWrapper.eq(Objects.nonNull(this.auditorId), Bill::getAuditorId, this.auditorId);
queryWrapper.like(StringUtils.hasText(this.companyName), Bill::getCompanyName, this.companyName);
queryWrapper.between(Objects.nonNull(this.startTime) && Objects.nonNull(this.endTime), Bill::getCreateTime, this.startTime, this.endTime);
return queryWrapper;

View File

@ -5,9 +5,12 @@ import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.plugins.pagination.Page;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.service.IService;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.bills.dto.BillDto;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.bills.entity.Bill;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.bills.entity.Home;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.bills.vo.Home;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.bills.query.BillQuery;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* @author fantianzhi
* @description 针对表ticket(票据表)的数据库操作Service
@ -27,4 +30,5 @@ public interface BillService extends IService<Bill> {
Page<Bill> auditPage(Page<Bill> page, BillQuery query);
Home getHomes(BillDto dto);
Map<String, List<Object>> trendChart();

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import com.zsc.edu.bill.framework.security.SecurityUtil;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.framework.security.UserDetailsImpl;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.bills.dto.BillDto;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.bills.entity.Bill;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.bills.entity.Home;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.bills.vo.Home;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.bills.mapper.BillMapper;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.bills.query.BillQuery;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.bills.repo.BillRepository;
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.bills.service.BillService;
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.*;
* @author yao
@ -32,9 +32,21 @@ public class BillServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<BillRepository, Bill> implement
public Boolean create(BillDto dto) {
Bill bill = mapper.toEntity(dto);
if (!dto.getSubmit()) {
UserDetailsImpl userInfo = SecurityUtil.getUserInfo();
return save(bill);
bill.setStatus(dto.getSubmit() ? Bill.Status.EXAMINE : Bill.Status.SUBMIT);
UserDetailsImpl userInfo = SecurityUtil.getUserInfo();
return save(bill);
@ -42,6 +54,8 @@ public class BillServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<BillRepository, Bill> implement
public Boolean update(BillDto dto, Long id) {
Bill bill = getById(id);
mapper.convert(dto, bill);
bill.setStatus(dto.getSubmit() ? Bill.Status.EXAMINE : Bill.Status.SUBMIT);
return updateById(bill);
@ -50,6 +64,8 @@ public class BillServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<BillRepository, Bill> implement
public Boolean audit(Long id, BillDto dto) {
Bill bill = getById(id);
mapper.convert(dto, bill);
bill.setStatus(dto.getSubmit() ? Bill.Status.PASS : Bill.Status.FAILED);
return updateById(bill);
@ -73,25 +89,6 @@ public class BillServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<BillRepository, Bill> implement
// listMaps(queryWrapper).forEach(map ->
// switch (map.get("status").toString()){
// case "0":
// home.setNotFiled((Integer) map.get("number"));
// case "1":
// home.setNotAudit((Integer)map.get("number"));
// case "2":
// home.setPass((Integer)map.get("number"));
// case "3":
// home.setNotPass((Integer)map.get("number"));
// default:
// throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected value: " + map.get("status").toString());
// }
// );
listMaps(queryWrapper).forEach(map -> {
switch (map.get("status").toString()){
case "0":
@ -115,8 +112,88 @@ public class BillServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<BillRepository, Bill> implement
return home;
public Map<String, List<Object>> trendChart() {
Long userId=null;
Long auditorId=null;
UserDetailsImpl userInfos = SecurityUtil.getUserInfo();
if (userInfos.getRole().getName().equals("auditor")) {
auditorId = userInfos.getId();
} else if (userInfos.getRole().getName().equals("user")) {
userId = userInfos.getId();
QueryWrapper<Bill> queryWrapper = new QueryWrapper<>();
queryWrapper.select("DATE_FORMAT(create_time,'%Y-%m-%d') as 'date',status,IFNULL(count(status),0) as 'number'")
// listMaps(queryWrapper).stream().collect(Collectors.groupingBy(map -> map.get("date").toString())).entrySet().stream().map(entry -> {
// Map<String,Map<String,Object>> map = new HashMap<>();
// map.put(entry.getKey(),entry.getValue().stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(map1 -> map1.get("status").toString(), map1 -> map1.get("number"))));
// return map;
// }).collect(Collectors.toList());
List<Map<String, Object>> rawData = listMaps(queryWrapper);
List<Object> dates = new ArrayList<>();
List<Integer> status0Counts = new ArrayList<>();
List<Integer> status1Counts = new ArrayList<>();
List<Integer> status2Counts = new ArrayList<>();
List<Integer> status3Counts = new ArrayList<>();
// 遍历原始数据填充列表
for (Map<String, Object> data : rawData) {
String date = (String) data.get("date");
int status = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(data.get("status")));
int number = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(data.get("number")));
// 添加日期如果尚未添加
if (!dates.contains(date)) {
// 为新日期初始化状态计数
// 根据状态更新相应的计数
int dateIndex = dates.indexOf(date);
switch (status) {
case 0:
status0Counts.set(dateIndex, status0Counts.get(dateIndex) + number);
case 1:
status1Counts.set(dateIndex, status1Counts.get(dateIndex) + number);
case 2:
status2Counts.set(dateIndex, status2Counts.get(dateIndex) + number);
case 3:
status3Counts.set(dateIndex, status3Counts.get(dateIndex) + number);
// 将结果封装到Map中并返回
Map<String, List<Object>> result = new HashMap<>();
result.put("dates", dates);
result.put("status0Counts", new ArrayList<Object>(status0Counts));
result.put("status1Counts", new ArrayList<Object>(status1Counts));
result.put("status2Counts", new ArrayList<Object>(status2Counts));
result.put("status3Counts", new ArrayList<Object>(status3Counts));
return result;
// return listObjs(queryWrapper);

View File

@ -1,15 +1,68 @@
package com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.bills.vo;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.bills.entity.Bill;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.system.entity.BaseEntity;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;
* @author ftz
* 创建时间:30/1/2024 下午8:35
* 描述: TODO
import java.math.BigDecimal;
public class BillVo extends BaseEntity {
* 用户id 票据创建者id
public class BillVo {
Bill bill;
private Long userId;
* 票据标题
private String title;
* 主体内容 票据详细内容
private String body;
* 金额 票据金额
private BigDecimal money;
* 状态 0:未提交草稿;1:未审核2:审核通过3:退回审核未通过
private Bill.Status status;
* 票据类型
private Bill.billType type;
* 联系方式email邮箱
private String contactEmail;
* 客户公司名称 票据对应的企业名称
private String companyName;
private String attachId;
* */
private Long auditorId;
private String comment;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.bills.entity;
package com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.bills.vo;
import lombok.Data;
@ -13,6 +13,4 @@ public class Home {
private Long notAudit =0L;
private Long pass =0L;
private Long notPass =0L;

View File

@ -13,6 +13,10 @@ import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
* 附件Controller
@ -35,7 +39,7 @@ public class AttachmentController {
public Attachment upload(
@RequestParam(required = false) Attachment.Type type,
@RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = "其他") Attachment.Type type,
@RequestParam("file") MultipartFile file
) {
try {
@ -75,6 +79,18 @@ public class AttachmentController {
public Attachment getAttachmentInfo(@PathVariable("id") String id) {
return service.getById(id);
public List<Attachment> uploadMultipleFiles(
@RequestParam(defaultValue = "其他") Attachment.Type type,
@RequestParam("files") List<MultipartFile> files
) throws IOException {
List<Attachment> attachments = new ArrayList<>();
for (MultipartFile file : files) {
if (!file.isEmpty()) {
attachments.add(service.stores(type, file));
return attachments;

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import java.io.IOException;
public interface AttachmentService extends IService<Attachment> {
Attachment store(Attachment.Type type, MultipartFile file) throws IOException;
Attachment stores(Attachment.Type type, MultipartFile file)throws IOException;
Attachment.Wrapper loadAsWrapper(String id);

View File

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils;
import jakarta.annotation.PostConstruct;
import java.io.*;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
@ -86,6 +87,35 @@ public class AttachmentServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<AttachmentRepository, Att
return save(temp, sha1, filename, mimeType, type);
public Attachment stores(Attachment.Type type, MultipartFile file) throws IOException{
if (file.isEmpty()) {
throw new StorageFileEmptyException("上传的文件不能为空");
String filename = file.getOriginalFilename();
if (filename == null || filename.trim().isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("文件名不能为空");
MessageDigest digest = DigestUtils.getSha1Digest();
Path temp = tempPath.resolve(String.valueOf(System.nanoTime()));
byte[] fileContent = file.getBytes();
// 使用try-with-resources自动关闭流
try (ByteArrayInputStream input = new ByteArrayInputStream(fileContent);
OutputStream output = Files.newOutputStream(temp)) {
Tika tika = new Tika();
String mimeType = tika.detect(input, filename);
String sha1 = Hex.encodeHexString(digest.digest());
return save(temp, sha1, filename, mimeType, type);
public Attachment store(Attachment.Type type, File file) throws IOException {
MessageDigest digest = DigestUtils.getSha1Digest();
String filename = file.getName();

View File

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
package com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.file.util;
import java.io.File;
* @author ftz
* 创建时间:30/1/2024 下午1:59
* 描述: TODO
public class UploadUtils {
// 项目根路径下的目录 -- SpringBoot static 目录相当于是根路径下SpringBoot 默认
public final static String IMG_PATH_PREFIX = "static/upload/file";
public static File getImgDirFile(){
// 构建上传文件的存放 "文件夹" 路径
String fileDirPath = "src/main/resources/" + IMG_PATH_PREFIX;
File fileDir = new File(fileDirPath);
// 递归生成文件夹
return fileDir;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.system.controller;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.conditions.query.LambdaQueryWrapper;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.plugins.pagination.Page;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.exception.ConstraintException;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.system.dto.DeptDto;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.system.entity.Dept;
@ -11,7 +12,7 @@ import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.system.service.UserService;
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import org.springframework.security.access.prepost.PreAuthorize;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*;
import java.util.Collection;
* 部门Controller
@ -33,8 +34,8 @@ public class DeptController {
public Collection<Dept> list(DeptQuery query) {
return service.list(query.wrapper());
public Page<Dept> query(DeptQuery query, Page<Dept> page) {
return service.page(page, query.wrapper());

View File

@ -1,15 +1,16 @@
package com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.system.controller;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.plugins.pagination.Page;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.plugins.pagination.PageDTO;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.system.dto.RoleDto;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.system.entity.Role;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.system.mapper.RoleMapper;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.system.query.RoleQuery;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.system.service.RoleService;
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import org.springframework.security.access.prepost.PreAuthorize;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*;
import java.util.Collection;
* 角色Controller
@ -32,8 +33,8 @@ public class RoleController {
public Collection<Role> list() {
return service.list();
public Page<Role> query(RoleQuery query, Page<Role> page) {
return service.page(page, query.wrapper());

View File

@ -2,9 +2,12 @@ package com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.system.controller;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.conditions.query.QueryWrapper;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.plugins.pagination.Page;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.plugins.pagination.PageDTO;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.framework.security.UserDetailsImpl;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.system.dto.*;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.system.entity.Authority;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.system.dto.UserCreateDto;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.system.dto.UserSelfUpdateDto;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.system.dto.UserSelfUpdatePasswordDto;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.system.dto.UserUpdateDto;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.system.entity.Role;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.system.entity.User;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.system.query.UserQuery;
@ -12,7 +15,6 @@ import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.system.service.DeptService;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.system.service.RoleAuthService;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.system.service.RoleService;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.system.service.UserService;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.plugins.pagination.PageDTO;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.system.vo.UserDetail;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.system.vo.UserVo;
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
@ -38,7 +40,6 @@ public class UserController {
private final UserService service;
private final RoleService roleService;
private final DeptService deptService;
private final RoleAuthService roleAuthService;
@ -198,5 +199,12 @@ public class UserController {
public UserVo detail(@PathVariable("id") Long id) {
return service.detail(id);
* 发送邮件
* */
public String sendEmail(@RequestParam String email) {
return service.sendEmail(email);

View File

@ -74,5 +74,9 @@ public class UserCreateDto {
* 备注说明
public String remark;
* 验证码
public Integer code;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
package com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.system.query;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.conditions.query.LambdaQueryWrapper;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.system.entity.Role;
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
* @author ftz
* 创建时间:2024/4/8 8:06
* 描述: 角色查询参数
public class RoleQuery {
* 名称唯一
public String name;
* 启用状态
private Boolean enabled ;
public LambdaQueryWrapper<Role> wrapper() {
LambdaQueryWrapper<Role> queryWrapper = new LambdaQueryWrapper<>();
queryWrapper.eq(this.enabled != null, Role::getEnabled, this.enabled);
queryWrapper.like(this.name != null, Role::getName, this.name);
return queryWrapper;

View File

@ -40,4 +40,5 @@ public interface UserService extends IService<User> {
Boolean register(UserCreateDto dto);
UserVo detail(Long id);
String sendEmail(String email);

View File

@ -1,28 +1,29 @@
package com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.system.service.impl;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.metadata.OrderItem;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.conditions.query.LambdaQueryWrapper;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.conditions.query.QueryWrapper;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.plugins.pagination.Page;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.plugins.pagination.PageDTO;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.service.impl.ServiceImpl;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.exception.ConstraintException;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.framework.security.UserDetailsImpl;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.system.dto.*;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.system.dto.UserCreateDto;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.system.dto.UserSelfUpdateDto;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.system.dto.UserSelfUpdatePasswordDto;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.system.dto.UserUpdateDto;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.system.entity.Dept;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.system.entity.Role;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.system.entity.User;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.system.query.UserQuery;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.system.repo.UserRepository;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.system.service.UserService;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.system.utils.sendMail;
import com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.system.vo.UserVo;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.conditions.query.LambdaQueryWrapper;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.conditions.query.QueryWrapper;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.plugins.pagination.Page;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.plugins.pagination.PageDTO;
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import org.springframework.beans.BeanUtils;
import org.springframework.security.crypto.password.PasswordEncoder;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import java.util.List;
* <p>
* 服务实现类
@ -38,6 +39,10 @@ public class UserServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<UserRepository, User> implement
private final PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder;
private final RoleServiceImpl roleService;
private final DeptServiceImpl deptService;
private final sendMail send;
@ -96,7 +101,11 @@ public class UserServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<UserRepository, User> implement
public Boolean register(UserCreateDto dto) {
if (dto.getCode()!=send.getRandomCode()||dto.getCode()==' '){
throw new ConstraintException("code", dto.getCode(), "验证码错误");
User user = new User();
BeanUtils.copyProperties(dto, user);
if (count(new LambdaQueryWrapper<User>().eq(User::getPhone, dto.getPhone())) > 0) {
throw new ConstraintException("phone", dto.phone, "手机号已存在");
@ -110,6 +119,7 @@ public class UserServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<UserRepository, User> implement
}else {
* 如果没有传入部门id则默认为普通用户部门
* */
@ -125,6 +135,12 @@ public class UserServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<UserRepository, User> implement
return this.baseMapper.detail(id);
public String sendEmail(String email) {
return "发送成功";
public User selfDetail(UserDetailsImpl userDetails) {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
package com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.system.utils;
import jakarta.mail.MessagingException;
import jakarta.mail.internet.MimeMessage;
import lombok.Getter;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.RandomStringUtils;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
import org.springframework.core.io.ClassPathResource;
import org.springframework.core.io.Resource;
import org.springframework.mail.javamail.JavaMailSenderImpl;
import org.springframework.mail.javamail.MimeMessageHelper;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
* @author ftz
* 创建时间:2024/4/5 17:24
* 描述: 根据邮箱发送验证码
public class sendMail {
JavaMailSenderImpl mailSender;
private int randomCode;
private String username;
* 读取邮件模板
* 替换模板中的信息
* @param title 内容
* @return
public String buildContent(String title) {
Resource resource = new ClassPathResource("mailTemplate/mailtemplate.ftl");
InputStream inputStream = null;
BufferedReader fileReader = null;
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
String line = "";
try {
inputStream = resource.getInputStream();
fileReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream));
while ((line = fileReader.readLine()) != null) {
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
if (fileReader != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
if (inputStream != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
return MessageFormat.format(buffer.toString(), title);
public void sendEmailMessage(String email) {
MimeMessage message = mailSender.createMimeMessage();
try {
randomCode = (int) ((Math.random() * 9 + 1) * 100000);
// RandomStringUtils
MimeMessageHelper helper = new MimeMessageHelper(message, true);
helper.setText(buildContent(randomCode + ""), true);
helper.setFrom("发件人名字" + '<' + username + '>');
} catch (MessagingException e) {

View File

@ -4,20 +4,38 @@ server:
type-aliases-package: com.zsc.edu.bill.modules.*.entity
mapper-locations: classpath:mappers/*.xml
type-handlers-package: com.zsc.edu.bill.framework.mybatisplus
log-impl: org.apache.ibatis.logging.stdout.StdOutImpl
url: jdbc:mysql://
url: jdbc:mysql://
username: root
password: 2002
password: 123456
driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
max-file-size: 40MB
max-request-size: 40MB
# 配置 SMTP 服务器地址
host: smtp.qq.com
# 发送者邮箱
username: 2179732328@qq.com
# 配置密码,注意不是真正的密码,而是刚刚申请到的授权码
password: mabpnbtqqezjdjde
# 端口号465或587
port: 587
# 默认的邮件编码为UTF-8
default-encoding: UTF-8
# 配置SSL 加密工厂
socketFactoryClass: javax.net.ssl.SSLSocketFactory
#表示开启 DEBUG 模式,这样,邮件发送过程的日志会在控制台打印出来,方便排查错误
debug: true
attachment: ./storage/attachment
temp: ./storage/temp

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 133 KiB

View File

@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
Navicat Premium Data Transfer
Source Server : aliyun
Source Server :
Source Server Type : MySQL
Source Server Version : 80200
Source Host :
Source Server Version : 80300
Source Host :
Source Schema : study
Target Server Type : MySQL
Target Server Version : 80200
Target Server Version : 80300
File Encoding : 65001
Date: 25/01/2024 15:05:43
Date: 14/04/2024 23:45:14
SET NAMES utf8mb4;
@ -22,35 +22,28 @@ SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0;
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `attach_file`;
CREATE TABLE `attach_file` (
`id` bigint NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '文件id 主键',
`save_filename` varchar(256) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '文件名 文件名详细说明',
`uuid` varchar(128) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '文件UUID 返回给前端的文件UUID',
`origin_filename` varchar(256) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '上传时的文件名 原文件名',
`filesize` bigint NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '文件大小',
`filetype` varchar(32) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '文件类型',
`extend_name` varchar(32) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '文件扩展名',
`ticket_id` bigint NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '票据id 附件对应的票据id',
`created_by` varchar(32) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建人',
`created_time` datetime NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '创建时间',
`updated_by` varchar(32) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '更新人',
`fileurl` varchar(1024) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`id` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NOT NULL,
`file_name` varchar(256) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '文件名 文件名详细说明',
`mime_type` varchar(32) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '附件作用类型',
`create_by` varchar(32) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建人',
`create_time` datetime NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '创建时间',
`update_by` varchar(32) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '更新人',
`url` varchar(1024) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`upload_time` datetime NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '文件上传时间',
) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 11 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_general_ci COMMENT = '票据附件表' ROW_FORMAT = DYNAMIC;
) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 17 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_general_ci COMMENT = '票据附件表' ROW_FORMAT = DYNAMIC;
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of attach_file
-- ----------------------------
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INSERT INTO `attach_file` VALUES (8, 'dfcb9c800b0b44fab7cc6fc5fd8cb992_查新要点v1.docx', 'dfcb9c800b0b44fab7cc6fc5fd8cb992', '查新要点v1.docx', 17571, 'application/octet-stream', NULL, 287, NULL, '2022-05-20 10:26:04', NULL, '2022-05-20 10:26:04', '/upload/dfcb9c800b0b44fab7cc6fc5fd8cb992_查新要点v1.docx');
INSERT INTO `attach_file` VALUES (9, '9ac30437412148a0b332c9d68cc7679d_查新要点v1.docx', '9ac30437412148a0b332c9d68cc7679d', '查新要点v1.docx', 17571, 'application/octet-stream', NULL, 288, NULL, '2022-05-20 17:04:37', NULL, '2022-05-20 17:04:37', '/upload/9ac30437412148a0b332c9d68cc7679d_查新要点v1.docx');
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INSERT INTO `attach_file` VALUES ('195bd3517bfcd9915906957730bdd6fef7fa5a86', 'Snipaste_2024-02-08_09-26-22.jpg', 'image/jpeg', NULL, '2024-03-21 07:20:03', NULL, '2024-03-21 07:20:03', NULL, '2024-03-21 15:20:03');
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-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for audit
@ -62,20 +55,49 @@ CREATE TABLE `audit` (
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`comment` varchar(1024) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '审核意见',
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-- ----------------------------
-- Records of audit
-- ----------------------------
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INSERT INTO `audit` VALUES (2, 293, NULL, '通过', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `audit` VALUES (3, 292, NULL, '通过', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `audit` VALUES (4, 291, NULL, '通过', 4, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `audit` VALUES (1, 23, 3, '34', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `audit` VALUES (2, 293, 3, '附件错误\n', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2024-02-17 13:34:03', NULL);
INSERT INTO `audit` VALUES (3, 292, 3, '通过', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `audit` VALUES (4, 291, 3, '通过', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2024-02-17 11:45:22', NULL);
INSERT INTO `audit` VALUES (5, 230, 3, '所颠覆国家', 2, NULL, '2024-02-05 16:04:05', NULL, '2024-02-05 16:55:26', NULL);
INSERT INTO `audit` VALUES (6, 305, 3, NULL, 2, NULL, '2024-02-11 17:39:13', NULL, '2024-02-17 11:45:31', NULL);
INSERT INTO `audit` VALUES (7, 306, 78, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2024-02-11 17:49:31', NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `audit` VALUES (8, 307, 23, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2024-02-13 03:03:50', NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `audit` VALUES (9, 308, 20, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2024-02-13 03:08:04', NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `audit` VALUES (10, 309, 22, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2024-02-13 03:09:16', NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `audit` VALUES (11, 310, 22, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2024-02-13 03:16:02', NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `audit` VALUES (12, 311, 22, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2024-02-13 03:19:47', NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `audit` VALUES (13, 312, 23, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2024-02-13 07:30:58', NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `audit` VALUES (14, 313, 88, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2024-02-15 02:37:08', NULL, '2024-02-19 08:39:14', NULL);
INSERT INTO `audit` VALUES (15, 314, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2024-02-15 02:50:53', NULL, NULL, NULL);
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INSERT INTO `audit` VALUES (17, 316, 60, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2024-02-16 17:39:29', NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `audit` VALUES (18, 317, 60, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2024-02-16 17:40:28', NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `audit` VALUES (19, 318, 26, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2024-02-17 11:51:33', NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `audit` VALUES (20, 319, 26, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2024-02-17 11:52:11', NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `audit` VALUES (21, 320, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2024-02-17 12:41:48', NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `audit` VALUES (22, 321, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2024-02-17 12:53:36', NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `audit` VALUES (23, 322, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2024-02-17 12:55:25', NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `audit` VALUES (24, 323, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2024-02-17 12:58:14', NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `audit` VALUES (25, 324, 29, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2024-02-18 07:43:55', NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `audit` VALUES (26, 325, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2024-02-18 03:03:36', NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `audit` VALUES (27, 326, 3, '测试\n', 3, NULL, '2024-02-18 03:16:18', NULL, '2024-02-18 15:05:10', NULL);
INSERT INTO `audit` VALUES (28, 327, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2024-02-18 15:11:54', NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `audit` VALUES (29, 328, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2024-02-18 15:12:58', NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `audit` VALUES (30, 329, 3, '附件错误', 3, NULL, '2024-02-21 01:51:00', NULL, '2024-02-21 02:04:27', NULL);
INSERT INTO `audit` VALUES (31, 330, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2024-02-21 01:53:32', NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `audit` VALUES (32, 331, 3, '1234567', 3, NULL, '2024-03-07 07:52:30', NULL, '2024-03-07 07:53:51', NULL);
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for bill
@ -83,8 +105,8 @@ INSERT INTO `audit` VALUES (4, 291, NULL, '通过', 4, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
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-- ----------------------------
-- Records of bill
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (1, 'ca2d8e2f-61b5-4896-a793-0135325ead8c', NULL, '办公器材1', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备1', 1000.00000000, 2, 2, NULL, '中山领航科技公司', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
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INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (23, '01a6cec4-69bc-4dd2-ad5a-ecfe7e33e2d6', NULL, '办公器材23', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备23', 23000.00000000, 2, 2, NULL, '中山领航科技公司', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (24, '04b00ea3-b282-4797-b39c-379bd26071f0', NULL, '办公器材24', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备24', 24000.00000000, 2, 2, NULL, '中山领航科技公司', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (25, '71f52359-f705-416b-bbf3-3625248d86d4', NULL, '办公器材25', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备25', 25000.00000000, 2, 2, NULL, '中山领航科技公司', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (26, 'f14f6eda-87fa-4084-9cda-cc56fcce1445', NULL, '办公器材26', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备26', 26000.00000000, 2, 2, NULL, '中山领航科技公司', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (27, '0cf409a8-5e40-403d-82b0-41c1c8b1e49c', NULL, '办公器材27', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备27', 27000.00000000, 2, 2, NULL, '中山领航科技公司', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (28, '04d9dbd3-949c-4dde-b45f-8b90314d6691', NULL, '办公器材28', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备28', 28000.00000000, 2, 2, NULL, '中山领航科技公司', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (29, '08754bb3-b87c-41bd-87b9-f166fb2b6da6', NULL, '办公器材29', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备29', 29000.00000000, 2, 2, NULL, '中山领航科技公司', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (30, 'e93097aa-29a9-4e2e-9c4b-965b73129e23', NULL, '办公器材30', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备30', 30000.00000000, 2, 2, NULL, '中山领航科技公司', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
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INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (32, '2117de95-f848-403e-b3f4-6606153d06ce', NULL, '办公器材32', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备32', 32000.00000000, 2, 2, NULL, '中山领航科技公司', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (33, '7627b2d7-c93f-48e2-a42e-e6ddd92a07e0', NULL, '办公器材33', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备33', 33000.00000000, 2, 2, NULL, '中山领航科技公司', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (34, '013d5582-7880-4bf8-8be5-1bf15a961a9b', NULL, '办公器材34', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备34', 34000.00000000, 2, 2, NULL, '中山领航科技公司', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (35, '017012a7-67a5-4bf9-94df-e49583e0a873', NULL, '办公器材35', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备35', 35000.00000000, 2, 2, NULL, '中山领航科技公司', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (36, 'db7f8ba4-054d-4167-8725-8d544dc78103', NULL, '办公器材36', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备36', 36000.00000000, 2, 2, NULL, '中山领航科技公司', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (37, '2b50fbeb-9bb7-49d8-a4ae-644e5763fb88', NULL, '办公器材37', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备37', 37000.00000000, 2, 2, NULL, '中山领航科技公司', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (38, '224f23c8-0fd8-45b7-8e0b-602bae75acd3', NULL, '办公器材38', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备38', 38000.00000000, 2, 2, NULL, '中山领航科技公司', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
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INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (76, '7ebbace6-6cde-4a34-bbee-ce410a328841', NULL, '办公器材6', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备6', 6000.00000000, 2, 2, NULL, '中山领航科技公司', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (77, '9cb43813-bef3-425d-8e4e-dc5d3395e712', NULL, '办公器材7', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备7', 7000.00000000, 2, 2, NULL, '中山领航科技公司', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
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INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (83, 'd0476b00-8166-4264-b444-91aa442dfacc', NULL, '办公器材13', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备13', 13000.00000000, 2, 2, NULL, '中山领航科技公司', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
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INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (85, 'e11a201c-15d3-4919-b804-33ee53c852ad', NULL, '办公器材15', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备15', 15000.00000000, 2, 2, NULL, '中山领航科技公司', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (86, 'a5389ed2-1823-464e-8caa-45559369bc7e', NULL, '办公器材16', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备16', 16000.00000000, 2, 2, NULL, '中山领航科技公司', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (87, 'bf2e3300-523b-4e6b-b4ac-cb4c30edba8d', NULL, '办公器材17', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备17', 17000.00000000, 2, 2, NULL, '中山领航科技公司', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (88, '08394d70-6626-4a17-9818-141d52c97ddc', NULL, '办公器材18', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备18', 18000.00000000, 2, 2, NULL, '中山领航科技公司', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (89, '57c0b135-0093-4d5c-9623-d64603415d89', NULL, '办公器材19', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备19', 19000.00000000, 2, 2, NULL, '中山领航科技公司', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (90, '815847f8-6972-465f-b4b4-2177d62ef60e', NULL, '办公器材20', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备20', 20000.00000000, 2, 2, NULL, '中山领航科技公司', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (91, 'bf1803fa-3bf5-4f67-aed6-431e0e271355', NULL, '办公器材21', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备21', 21000.00000000, 2, 2, NULL, '中山领航科技公司', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (92, '3e252000-fd0b-4342-824b-850a32ee18e0', NULL, '办公器材22', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备22', 22000.00000000, 2, 2, NULL, '中山领航科技公司', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (93, '989ba383-07e2-45e6-8c81-24501fe472f9', NULL, '办公器材23', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备23', 23000.00000000, 2, 2, NULL, '中山领航科技公司', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (94, '5492db3d-4ce4-4618-8e91-d89de607c688', NULL, '办公器材24', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备24', 24000.00000000, 2, 2, NULL, '中山领航科技公司', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (95, '85c1c9dc-7733-42dc-98a6-6a07f9a022c6', NULL, '办公器材25', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备25', 25000.00000000, 2, 2, NULL, '中山领航科技公司', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (96, '8df5e733-947a-40e4-839e-2b316e280cd9', NULL, '办公器材26', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备26', 26000.00000000, 2, 2, NULL, '中山领航科技公司', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (97, '2dcdec99-aabf-4b64-81e9-bb00dc549e5d', NULL, '办公器材27', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备27', 27000.00000000, 2, 2, NULL, '中山领航科技公司', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (98, '888c548a-8fe2-4d4f-a422-56cc45d4c14c', NULL, '办公器材28', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备28', 28000.00000000, 2, 2, NULL, '中山领航科技公司', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (99, '03bc128b-c346-4e97-a646-3f85f34f2b97', NULL, '办公器材29', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备29', 29000.00000000, 2, 2, NULL, '中山领航科技公司', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (100, 'd7f8bbc0-08fb-4cef-b01a-9018c699005e', NULL, '办公器材30', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备30', 30000.00000000, 2, 2, NULL, '中山领航科技公司', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (101, '1d216a3f-865b-4fa4-abb4-b4b6daa3d73f', NULL, '办公器材31', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备31', 31000.00000000, 2, 2, NULL, '中山领航科技公司', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
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INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (103, '5cd9e3e2-1e9b-4704-88e7-510726bac596', NULL, '办公器材33', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备33', 33000.00000000, 2, 2, NULL, '中山领航科技公司', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (104, 'c664d9cf-223d-4bd0-81b0-6c4655237e18', NULL, '办公器材34', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备34', 34000.00000000, 2, 2, NULL, '中山领航科技公司', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
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INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (106, 'bd5eed24-7595-4964-a654-2301a16027fd', NULL, '办公器材36', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备36', 36000.00000000, 2, 2, NULL, '中山领航科技公司', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (107, 'aa3f7115-2623-427e-8844-7f2b43e7dda4', NULL, '办公器材37', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备37', 37000.00000000, 2, 2, NULL, '中山领航科技公司', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (108, '4a0693d3-7ff1-41f4-80e2-c7106d65a7f0', NULL, '办公器材38', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备38', 38000.00000000, 2, 2, NULL, '中山领航科技公司', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (109, '99033a61-03ff-4a30-aea4-05ba32002b7c', NULL, '办公器材39', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备39', 39000.00000000, 2, 2, NULL, '中山领航科技公司', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (110, 'e22c9d38-3a15-4897-aade-4e0c3cb38f01', NULL, '办公器材40', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备40', 40000.00000000, 2, 2, NULL, '中山领航科技公司', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
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INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (149, 'aba582d0-8daa-40db-a609-d94b9329ed41', NULL, '办公器材9', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备9knejc', 9000.00000000, 0, 3, NULL, '中山领航科技公司92tqb', NULL, '2022-05-18 14:21:36', NULL, '2022-05-18 14:21:35', NULL);
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INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (155, '5bd7f806-1ed2-4eca-b3ad-20d13ae10155', NULL, '办公器材15', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备15mwr23', 15000.00000000, 0, 2, NULL, '中山领航科技公司15shrv', NULL, '2022-05-18 14:21:36', NULL, '2022-05-18 14:21:35', NULL);
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INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (158, '8809af40-2311-45b3-9330-366fcf546b78', NULL, '办公器材18', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备18zvyly', 18000.00000000, 0, 1, NULL, '中山领航科技公司18gm2d', NULL, '2022-05-18 14:21:36', NULL, '2022-05-18 14:21:36', NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (159, '91e46817-78ef-4150-a659-fab24e8822e5', NULL, '办公器材19', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备19cbb27', 19000.00000000, 0, 3, NULL, '中山领航科技公司19nh9z', NULL, '2022-05-18 14:21:36', NULL, '2022-05-18 14:21:36', NULL);
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INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (161, '6752cca7-4a95-4765-962d-9d419b6d5721', NULL, '办公器材21', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备21qdbkp', 21000.00000000, 0, 3, NULL, '中山领航科技公司217r4j', NULL, '2022-05-18 14:21:36', NULL, '2022-05-18 14:21:36', NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (162, '22beffc0-8cfb-4df6-bf76-33cf1dcc593c', NULL, '办公器材22', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备227cb7t', 22000.00000000, 0, 2, NULL, '中山领航科技公司22fpuj', NULL, '2022-05-18 14:21:36', NULL, '2022-05-18 14:21:36', NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (163, '647e89b4-4c74-47f8-b48b-cd7139485ccc', NULL, '办公器材23', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备2370mdc', 23000.00000000, 0, 3, NULL, '中山领航科技公司23joum', NULL, '2022-05-18 14:21:36', NULL, '2022-05-18 14:21:36', NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (164, '636d4c2d-b15f-441a-81cd-4492e063a8a6', NULL, '办公器材24', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备243ky3i', 24000.00000000, 0, 2, NULL, '中山领航科技公司2456bq', NULL, '2022-05-18 14:21:36', NULL, '2022-05-18 14:21:36', NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (165, '773b343f-8af8-4dfd-82d7-4dd1a5942e5e', NULL, '办公器材25', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备25or2hu', 25000.00000000, 0, 2, NULL, '中山领航科技公司25e92u', NULL, '2022-05-18 14:21:36', NULL, '2022-05-18 14:21:36', NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (166, '4298a615-9d24-46ed-b9b4-e3e893b057a5', NULL, '办公器材26', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备265rmr8', 26000.00000000, 0, 1, NULL, '中山领航科技公司26a98e', NULL, '2022-05-18 14:21:36', NULL, '2022-05-18 14:21:36', NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (167, 'f85927a9-1bec-47df-9e4c-838732f6d160', NULL, '办公器材27', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备27of5iq', 27000.00000000, 0, 3, NULL, '中山领航科技公司27j4ho', NULL, '2022-05-18 14:21:36', NULL, '2022-05-18 14:21:36', NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (168, '117f3e65-57ca-4f18-912b-7e6682ae63d8', NULL, '办公器材28', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备289wma2', 28000.00000000, 0, 1, NULL, '中山领航科技公司28yxcu', NULL, '2022-05-18 14:21:36', NULL, '2022-05-18 14:21:36', NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (169, 'f0df6ed9-db06-4f0b-b1ea-6e10d753e1e1', NULL, '办公器材29', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备29vea6v', 29000.00000000, 0, 1, NULL, '中山领航科技公司29jdfl', NULL, '2022-05-18 14:21:36', NULL, '2022-05-18 14:21:36', NULL);
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INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (171, '3d8bcf42-6605-4dfe-9485-ae3b0db46e21', NULL, '办公器材31', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备31x5ax4', 31000.00000000, 0, 1, NULL, '中山领航科技公司313aqm', NULL, '2022-05-18 14:21:36', NULL, '2022-05-18 14:21:36', NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (172, '0c10b1cb-3fe2-45f6-9e5b-512064bdba57', NULL, '办公器材32', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备326lbiv', 32000.00000000, 0, 1, NULL, '中山领航科技公司320gp2', NULL, '2022-05-18 14:21:36', NULL, '2022-05-18 14:21:36', NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (173, '2e7247d7-1bf5-4e92-be8b-741702f393c1', NULL, '办公器材33', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备33lvlf3', 33000.00000000, 0, 2, NULL, '中山领航科技公司33fgyy', NULL, '2022-05-18 14:21:36', NULL, '2022-05-18 14:21:36', NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (174, '9c92f801-e2b9-4624-85dc-b8db18604b5a', NULL, '办公器材34', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备34rp1rm', 34000.00000000, 0, 1, NULL, '中山领航科技公司3469kt', NULL, '2022-05-18 14:21:36', NULL, '2022-05-18 14:21:36', NULL);
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INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (284, '9242b5b044ef4568bd62936f0d1f6d2a', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2022-05-20 10:16:54', NULL, '2022-05-20 10:16:54', NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (285, '2efa122762be48758dad9da431c133ce', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2022-05-20 10:17:28', NULL, '2022-05-20 10:17:28', NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (286, '5381f174c284467db7ee1b6f9b550774', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2022-05-20 10:18:42', NULL, '2022-05-20 10:18:42', NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (287, 'd50059bae7d741a191fff90abe132297', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2022-05-20 10:25:57', NULL, '2022-05-20 10:25:57', NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (288, 'a8f89d3e48144e26b6c1cbbee2a160a6', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2022-05-20 17:04:37', NULL, '2022-05-20 17:04:37', NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (289, 'ba667266252549ebae0f8ec83afc24ec', NULL, '测试票据标题1', '默认测试内容;购买办公用品、办公椅、书柜书架1批清单共20项..', 9999.00000000, 2, 1, 'test@company.com', '测试票据公司1', NULL, '2022-06-12 23:28:20', NULL, '2022-06-12 23:28:20', NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (290, '3287d95e518442e58659bf2277b5f60f', NULL, '测试票据标题1', '默认测试内容;购买办公用品、办公椅、书柜书架1批清单共20项..', 9999.00000000, 2, 1, 'test@company.com', '测试票据公司1', NULL, '2022-06-12 23:29:43', NULL, '2022-06-12 23:29:43', NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (291, '26691137da574a388d79590c12b28cae', NULL, '测试票据标题1', '默认测试内容;购买办公用品、办公椅、书柜书架1批清单共20项..', 9999.00000000, 4, 1, 'test@company.com', '测试票据公司1', NULL, '2022-06-12 23:31:01', NULL, '2022-06-13 00:05:29', NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (292, 'fbc92dbf7245405ab6cfbfdadfef8a21', NULL, '测试票据标题12222', '默认测试内容;购买办公用品、办公椅、书柜书架1批清单共20项..', 9999.00000000, 3, 1, 'test@company.com', '测试票据公司1', NULL, '2022-06-12 23:34:11', NULL, '2022-06-13 00:05:21', NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (293, '326d4b6c47754fff871ac8c68ec1c103', NULL, '测试票据标题100-2022', '默认测试内容;购买办公用品、办公椅、书柜书架1批清单共20项..', 9999.00000000, 3, 1, 'test@company.com', '432432432', NULL, '2022-06-12 23:34:51', NULL, '2022-06-13 00:04:43', NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (294, '00161b50de994c54ab42823234375a77', NULL, '测试票据标题1', '默认测试内容;购买办公用品、办公椅、书柜书架1批清单共20项..', 9999.00000000, 2, 1, 'test@company.com', '测试票据公司1', NULL, '2022-06-12 23:35:07', NULL, '2022-06-12 23:35:07', NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (1, 2, NULL, '办公器材1', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备1', 1000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:16', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:21', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (2, 2, NULL, '办公器材2', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备2', 2000.00000000, 3, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:16', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:21', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (3, 2, NULL, '办公器材3', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备3', 3900.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:16', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:21', NULL, '195bd3517bfcd9915906957730bdd6fef7fa5a86', 3, '\n');
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (4, 2, NULL, '办公器材4', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备4', 4000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:17', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:21', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (5, 2, NULL, '办公器材5', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备5', 5000.00000000, 3, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:17', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:59:00', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (6, 2, NULL, '办公器材6', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备6', 6000.00000000, 3, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:17', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:22', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (7, 2, NULL, '办公器材7', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备7', 7000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:17', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:22', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (8, 2, NULL, '办公器材8', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备8', 8000.00000000, 3, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:17', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:22', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (9, 2, NULL, '办公器材9', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备9', 9000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:18', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:22', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (10, 2, NULL, '办公器材10', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备10', 10000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:18', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:22', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (11, 2, NULL, '办公器材11', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备11', 11000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:18', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:23', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (12, 2, NULL, '办公器材12', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备12', 12000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:18', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:23', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (13, 2, NULL, '办公器材13', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备13', 13000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:19', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:23', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (14, 2, NULL, '办公器材14', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备14', 14000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:19', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:23', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (15, 2, NULL, '办公器材15', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备15', 15000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:19', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:23', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (16, 2, NULL, '办公器材16', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备16', 16000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:19', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:23', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (17, 2, NULL, '办公器材17', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备17', 17000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:19', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:23', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (18, 2, NULL, '办公器材18', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备18', 18000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:20', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:24', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (19, 2, NULL, '办公器材19', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备19', 19000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:20', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:24', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (20, 2, NULL, '办公器材20', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备20', 20000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:20', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:24', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (21, 2, NULL, '办公器材21', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备21', 21000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:20', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:24', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (22, 2, NULL, '办公器材22', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备22', 22000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:21', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:24', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (23, 2, NULL, '办公器材23', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备23', 23000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:21', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:25', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (24, 2, NULL, '办公器材24', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备24', 24000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:21', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:25', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (25, 2, NULL, '办公器材25', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备25', 25000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:21', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:25', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (26, 2, NULL, '办公器材26', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备26', 26000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:22', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:25', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (27, 2, NULL, '办公器材27', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备27', 27000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:22', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:25', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (28, 2, NULL, '办公器材28', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备28', 28000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:22', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:25', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (29, 2, NULL, '办公器材29', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备29', 29000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:22', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:26', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (30, 2, NULL, '办公器材30', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备30', 30000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:22', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:26', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (31, 2, NULL, '办公器材31', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备31', 31000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:23', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:26', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (32, 2, NULL, '办公器材32', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备32', 32000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:23', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:26', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (33, 2, NULL, '办公器材33', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备33', 33000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:23', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:26', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (34, 2, NULL, '办公器材34', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备34', 34000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:23', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:27', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (35, 2, NULL, '办公器材35', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备35', 35000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:24', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:27', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (36, 2, NULL, '办公器材36', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备36', 36000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:24', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:27', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (37, 2, NULL, '办公器材37', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备37', 37000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:24', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:27', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (38, 2, NULL, '办公器材38', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备38', 38000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:24', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:27', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (39, 2, NULL, '办公器材39', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备39', 39000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:24', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:27', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (40, 2, NULL, '办公器材40', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备40', 40000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:25', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:28', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (41, 2, NULL, '办公器材41', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备41', 41000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:25', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:28', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (42, 2, NULL, '办公器材42', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备42', 42000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:25', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:28', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (43, 2, NULL, '办公器材43', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备43', 43000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:25', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:28', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (44, 2, NULL, '办公器材44', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备44', 44000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:26', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:28', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (45, 2, NULL, '办公器材45', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备45', 45000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:26', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:28', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (46, 2, NULL, '办公器材46', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备46', 46000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:26', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:28', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (47, 2, NULL, '办公器材47', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备47', 47000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:26', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:29', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (48, 2, NULL, '办公器材48', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备48', 48000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:27', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:29', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (49, 2, NULL, '办公器材49', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备49', 49000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:27', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:29', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (50, 2, NULL, '办公器材50', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备50', 50000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:27', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:29', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (51, 2, NULL, '办公器材51', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备51', 51000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:27', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:29', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (52, 2, NULL, '办公器材52', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备52', 52000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:27', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:30', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (53, 2, NULL, '办公器材53', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备53', 53000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:28', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:30', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (54, 2, NULL, '办公器材54', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备54', 54000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:28', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:30', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (55, 2, NULL, '办公器材55', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备55', 55000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:28', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:30', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (56, 2, NULL, '办公器材56', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备56', 56000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:28', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:30', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (57, 2, NULL, '办公器材57', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备57', 57000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:29', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:30', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (58, 2, NULL, '办公器材58', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备58', 58000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:29', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:31', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (59, 2, NULL, '办公器材59', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备59', 59000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:29', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:31', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (60, 2, NULL, '办公器材60', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备60', 60000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:29', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:31', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (61, 2, NULL, '办公器材61', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备61', 61000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:29', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:31', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (62, 2, NULL, '办公器材62', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备62', 62000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:30', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:31', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (63, 2, NULL, '办公器材63', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备63', 63000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:30', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:32', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (64, 2, NULL, '办公器材64', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备64', 64000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:30', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:32', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (65, 2, NULL, '办公器材65', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备65', 65000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:30', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:32', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (66, 2, NULL, '办公器材66', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备66', 66000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:30', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:32', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (67, 2, NULL, '办公器材67', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备67', 67000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:31', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:32', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (68, 2, NULL, '办公器材68', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备68', 68000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:31', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:32', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (69, 2, NULL, '办公器材69', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备69', 69000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:31', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:32', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (70, 2, NULL, '办公器材70', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备70', 70000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:31', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:33', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (71, 2, NULL, '办公器材1', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备1', 1000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:32', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:33', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (72, 2, NULL, '办公器材2', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备2', 2000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:32', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:33', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (73, 2, NULL, '办公器材3', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备3', 3000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:32', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:33', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (74, 2, NULL, '办公器材4', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备4', 4000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:32', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:33', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (75, 2, NULL, '办公器材5', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备5', 5000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:33', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:33', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (76, 2, NULL, '办公器材6', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备6', 6000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:33', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:34', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (77, 2, NULL, '办公器材7', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备7', 7000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:33', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:34', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (78, 2, NULL, '办公器材8', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备8', 8000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:33', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:34', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (79, 2, NULL, '办公器材9', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备9', 9000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:33', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:34', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (80, 2, NULL, '办公器材10', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备10', 10000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:34', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:34', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (81, 2, NULL, '办公器材11', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备11', 11000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:34', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:34', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (82, 2, NULL, '办公器材12', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备12', 12000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:34', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:35', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (83, 2, NULL, '办公器材13', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备13', 13000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:34', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:35', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (84, 2, NULL, '办公器材14', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备14', 14000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:34', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:35', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (85, 2, NULL, '办公器材15', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备15', 15000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:35', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:35', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (86, 2, NULL, '办公器材16', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备16', 16000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:35', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:35', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (87, 2, NULL, '办公器材17', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备17', 17000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:35', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:36', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (88, 2, NULL, '办公器材18', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备18', 18000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:35', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:36', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (89, 2, NULL, '办公器材19', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备19', 19000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:36', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:36', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (90, 2, NULL, '办公器材20', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备20', 20000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:36', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:36', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (91, 2, NULL, '办公器材21', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备21', 21000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:36', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:36', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (92, 2, NULL, '办公器材22', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备22', 22000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:36', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:36', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (93, 2, NULL, '办公器材23', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备23', 23000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:37', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:36', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (94, 2, NULL, '办公器材24', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备24', 24000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:37', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:37', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (95, 2, NULL, '办公器材25', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备25', 25000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:37', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:37', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (96, 2, NULL, '办公器材26', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备26', 26000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:37', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:37', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (97, 2, NULL, '办公器材27', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备27', 27000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:37', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:37', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (98, 2, NULL, '办公器材28', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备28', 28000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:38', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:37', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (99, 2, NULL, '办公器材29', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备29', 29000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:38', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:37', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (100, 2, NULL, '办公器材30', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备30', 30000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:38', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:38', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (101, 2, NULL, '办公器材31', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备31', 31000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:38', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:38', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (102, 2, NULL, '办公器材32', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备32', 32000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:39', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:38', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (103, 2, NULL, '办公器材33', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备33', 33000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:39', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:38', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (104, 2, NULL, '办公器材34', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备34', 34000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:39', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:38', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (105, 2, NULL, '办公器材35', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备35', 35000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:39', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:39', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (106, 2, NULL, '办公器材36', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备36', 36000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:40', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:39', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (107, 2, NULL, '办公器材37', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备37', 37000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:40', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:39', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (108, 2, NULL, '办公器材38', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备38', 38000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:40', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:39', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (109, 2, NULL, '办公器材39', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备39', 39000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:40', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:39', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (110, 2, NULL, '办公器材40', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备40', 40000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:40', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:39', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (111, 2, NULL, '办公器材41', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备41', 41000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:41', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:40', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (112, 2, NULL, '办公器材42', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备42', 42000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:41', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:40', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (113, 2, NULL, '办公器材43', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备43', 43000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:41', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:40', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (114, 2, NULL, '办公器材44', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备44', 44000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:41', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:40', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (115, 2, NULL, '办公器材45', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备45', 45000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:41', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:40', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (116, 2, NULL, '办公器材46', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备46', 46000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:42', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:40', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (117, 2, NULL, '办公器材47', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备47', 47000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:42', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:41', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (118, 2, NULL, '办公器材48', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备48', 48000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:42', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:41', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (119, 2, NULL, '办公器材49', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备49', 49000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:42', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:41', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (120, 2, NULL, '办公器材50', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备50', 50000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:43', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:41', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (121, 2, NULL, '办公器材51', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备51', 51000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:43', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:41', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (122, 2, NULL, '办公器材52', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备52', 52000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:43', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:42', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (123, 2, NULL, '办公器材53', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备53', 53000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:43', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:42', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (124, 2, NULL, '办公器材54', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备54', 54000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:43', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:42', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (125, 2, NULL, '办公器材55', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备55', 55000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:44', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:42', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (126, 2, NULL, '办公器材56', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备56', 56000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:44', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:42', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (127, 2, NULL, '办公器材57', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备57', 57000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:45', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:42', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (128, 2, NULL, '办公器材58', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备58', 58000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:45', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:43', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (129, 2, NULL, '办公器材59', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备59', 59000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:45', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:43', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (130, 2, NULL, '办公器材60', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备60', 60000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:46', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:43', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (131, 2, NULL, '办公器材61', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备61', 61000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:46', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:43', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (132, 2, NULL, '办公器材62', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备62', 62000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:46', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:43', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (133, 2, NULL, '办公器材63', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备63', 63000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:46', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:44', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (134, 2, NULL, '办公器材64', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备64', 64000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:46', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:44', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (135, 2, NULL, '办公器材65', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备65', 65000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:47', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:44', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (136, 2, NULL, '办公器材66', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备66', 66000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:47', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:44', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (137, 2, NULL, '办公器材67', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备67', 67000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:47', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:45', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (138, 2, NULL, '办公器材68', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备68', 68000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:47', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:45', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (139, 2, NULL, '办公器材69', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备69', 69000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:48', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:45', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (140, 2, NULL, '办公器材70', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备70', 70000.00000000, 2, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:48', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:46', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (141, 2, NULL, '办公器材1', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备1rg2jp', 1000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司1u95a', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:48', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:46', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (142, 2, NULL, '办公器材2', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备2vi5co', 2000.00000000, 0, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司2y141', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:48', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:46', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (143, 2, NULL, '办公器材3', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备3jdi4m', 3000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司3i868', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:49', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:46', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (144, 2, NULL, '办公器材4', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备4rt1mi', 4600.00000000, 3, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司4or7t', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:49', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:46', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
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INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (146, 2, NULL, '办公器材6', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备66kv01', 6000.00000000, 0, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司6k3zb', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:50', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:47', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (147, 2, NULL, '办公器材7', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备7bcvt6', 7000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司7x0hd', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:50', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:47', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (148, 2, NULL, '办公器材8', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备80flxv', 8000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司8dpt0', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:50', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:47', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (149, 2, NULL, '办公器材9', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备9', 9000.00000000, 2, 1, '123zsc@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司92', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:50', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:47', NULL, '84fa4f586f190886ea8708c49e8645f5a9a1ea04', 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (150, 2, NULL, '办公器材10', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备105t1tr', 10000.00000000, 0, 3, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司10d1lo', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:51', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:48', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (151, 2, NULL, '办公器材11', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备111xlms', 11000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司11kuzc', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:51', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:48', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (152, 2, NULL, '办公器材12', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备12y1vn8', 12000.00000000, 0, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司127p84', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:51', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:48', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (153, 2, NULL, '办公器材13', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备13bw9c4', 13000.00000000, 0, 3, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司13wlwb', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:51', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:48', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (154, 2, NULL, '办公器材14', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备14elkq6', 14000.00000000, 0, 3, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司14ulkn', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:52', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:48', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (155, 2, NULL, '办公器材15', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备15mwr23', 15000.00000000, 0, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司15shrv', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:52', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:48', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (156, 2, NULL, '办公器材16', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备169elat', 16000.00000000, 0, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司1683ll', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:53', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:48', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (157, 2, NULL, '办公器材17', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备1753m9u', 17000.00000000, 0, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司171t5j', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:53', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:49', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (158, 2, NULL, '办公器材18', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备18zvyly', 18000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司18gm2d', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:53', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:49', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (159, 2, NULL, '办公器材19', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备19cbb27', 19000.00000000, 0, 3, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司19nh9z', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:54', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:49', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (160, 2, NULL, '办公器材20', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备20vh15m', 20000.00000000, 0, 3, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司20662y', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:54', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:49', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (161, 2, NULL, '办公器材21', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备21qdbkp', 21000.00000000, 0, 3, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司217r4j', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:55', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:49', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (162, 2, NULL, '办公器材22', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备227cb7t', 22000.00000000, 0, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司22fpuj', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:55', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:49', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (163, 2, NULL, '办公器材23', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备2370mdc', 23000.00000000, 0, 3, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司23joum', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:56', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:50', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (164, 2, NULL, '办公器材24', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备243ky3i', 24000.00000000, 0, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司2456bq', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:56', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:50', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (165, 2, NULL, '办公器材25', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备25or2hu', 25000.00000000, 0, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司25e92u', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:56', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:50', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (166, 2, NULL, '办公器材26', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备265rmr8', 26000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司26a98e', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:56', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:50', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (167, 2, NULL, '办公器材27', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备27of5iq', 27000.00000000, 0, 3, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司27j4ho', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:56', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:50', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (168, 2, NULL, '办公器材28', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备289wma2', 28000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司28yxcu', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:57', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:50', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (169, 2, NULL, '办公器材29', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备29vea6v', 29000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司29jdfl', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:57', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:51', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
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INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (174, 2, NULL, '办公器材34', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备34rp1rm', 34000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司3469kt', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:58', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:51', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (175, 2, NULL, '办公器材35', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备35tdcr6', 35000.00000000, 0, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司35zwkj', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:58', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:52', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (176, 2, NULL, '办公器材36', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备36vc5mz', 36000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司36ciq4', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:58', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:52', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (177, 2, NULL, '办公器材37', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备37kfzmd', 37000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司37qgyk', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:58', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:52', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (178, 2, NULL, '办公器材38', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备388yoqm', 38000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司38syrc', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:59', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:52', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (179, 2, NULL, '办公器材39', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备39fja9f', 39000.00000000, 0, 3, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司39poq5', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:59', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:52', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (180, 2, NULL, '办公器材40', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备40lt212', 40000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司40t6la', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:59', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:52', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (181, 2, NULL, '办公器材41', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备41h74d0', 41000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司41ufqf', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:59', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:53', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (182, 2, NULL, '办公器材42', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备421hhbo', 42000.00000000, 0, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司42ilxo', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:28:59', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:53', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (183, 2, NULL, '办公器材43', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备43kmamx', 43000.00000000, 0, 3, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司43yg8t', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:00', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:53', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (184, 2, NULL, '办公器材44', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备44q57sj', 44000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司448pnc', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:00', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:53', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (185, 2, NULL, '办公器材45', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备45xvoar', 45000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司45zpz1', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:00', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:53', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (186, 2, NULL, '办公器材46', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备469qz1t', 46000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司469rvv', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:00', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:53', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (187, 2, NULL, '办公器材47', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备47t2jq7', 47000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司47t7w6', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:01', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:54', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (188, 2, NULL, '办公器材48', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备48c793y', 48000.00000000, 0, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司48f7nf', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:01', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:54', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (189, 2, NULL, '办公器材49', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备490iuth', 49000.00000000, 0, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司49gsgf', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:01', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:54', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (190, 2, NULL, '办公器材50', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备50q149t', 50000.00000000, 0, 3, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司50lypl', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:01', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:54', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (191, 2, NULL, '办公器材51', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备51229zg', 51000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司51slct', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:01', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:54', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (192, 2, NULL, '办公器材52', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备5257rt6', 52000.00000000, 0, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司52n37v', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:02', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:54', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (193, 2, NULL, '办公器材53', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备53ifezm', 53000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司53faxn', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:02', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:55', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (194, 2, NULL, '办公器材54', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备54i1bv5', 54000.00000000, 0, 3, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司54viw2', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:02', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:55', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (195, 2, NULL, '办公器材55', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备558n4pb', 55000.00000000, 0, 3, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司554qjp', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:02', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:55', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (196, 2, NULL, '办公器材56', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备56gmbow', 56000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司56zsxm', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:03', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:55', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (197, 2, NULL, '办公器材57', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备575yetp', 57000.00000000, 0, 3, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司57ia84', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:03', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:55', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (198, 2, NULL, '办公器材58', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备581n5ay', 58000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司58qa13', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:03', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:55', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (199, 2, NULL, '办公器材59', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备5966ns3', 59000.00000000, 0, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司59mlto', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:03', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:56', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (200, 2, NULL, '办公器材60', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备60edo8r', 60000.00000000, 0, 3, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司60kmzh', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:03', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:56', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (201, 2, NULL, '办公器材61', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备61d34ic', 61000.00000000, 0, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司61hvan', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:04', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:56', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (202, 2, NULL, '办公器材62', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备6202ley', 62000.00000000, 0, 3, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司628cm4', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:04', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:56', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (203, 2, NULL, '办公器材63', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备632b2t1', 63000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司63x77w', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:04', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:56', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (204, 2, NULL, '办公器材64', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备64bp178', 64000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司649ax9', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:04', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:56', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (205, 2, NULL, '办公器材65', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备65lqkr8', 65000.00000000, 0, 3, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司65eo1n', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:05', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:56', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (206, 2, NULL, '办公器材66', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备66de07r', 66000.00000000, 0, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司66eznp', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:05', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:57', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (207, 2, NULL, '办公器材67', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备67j7z2v', 67000.00000000, 0, 3, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司6797q0', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:05', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:57', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (208, 2, NULL, '办公器材68', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备68xsc36', 68000.00000000, 0, 3, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司68mw32', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:05', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:57', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (209, 2, NULL, '办公器材69', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备69p3i2n', 69000.00000000, 0, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司69l3y8', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:06', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:57', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (210, 2, NULL, '办公器材70', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备70p716y', 70000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司70v55f', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:06', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:57', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (211, 2, NULL, '办公器材1', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备1ffscb', 1000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司13sfg', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:06', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:57', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (212, 2, NULL, '办公器材2', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备2x5yvh', 2000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司2sg8d', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:06', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:58', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (213, 2, NULL, '办公器材3', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备3zkvi5', 3000.00000000, 0, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司3viyn', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:07', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:58', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (214, 2, NULL, '办公器材4', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备4n8jfb', 4000.00000000, 0, 3, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司44cqb', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:07', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:58', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (215, 2, NULL, '办公器材5', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备55uo47', 5000.00000000, 0, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司5ah6f', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:07', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:58', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (216, 2, NULL, '办公器材6', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备64si04', 6000.00000000, 0, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司6az86', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:07', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:58', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (217, 2, NULL, '办公器材7', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备7xociw', 7000.00000000, 0, 3, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司7brrs', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:07', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:59', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (218, 2, NULL, '办公器材8', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备8h6hi5', 8000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司8iq28', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:08', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:59', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (219, 2, NULL, '办公器材9', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备966ou8', 9000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司9uymj', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:08', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:59', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (220, 2, NULL, '办公器材10', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备105epmw', 10000.00000000, 0, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司10anwt', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:08', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:59', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (221, 2, NULL, '办公器材11', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备11ql2rt', 11000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司112df3', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:08', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:59', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (222, 2, NULL, '办公器材12', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备12yz1nw', 12000.00000000, 0, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司12tj24', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:08', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:59', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (223, 2, NULL, '办公器材13', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备13kmk0l', 13000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司13w4m6', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:09', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:49:59', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (224, 2, NULL, '办公器材14', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备145m8rz', 14000.00000000, 0, 3, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司141cif', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:09', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:50:00', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (225, 2, NULL, '办公器材15', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备153fdxh', 15000.00000000, 0, 3, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司15adm0', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:09', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:50:00', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
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INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (227, 2, NULL, '办公器材17', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备17rajse', 17000.00000000, 0, 3, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司172c4m', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:10', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:50:00', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (228, 2, NULL, '办公器材18', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备184baub', 18000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司18ku6j', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:10', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:50:00', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (229, 2, NULL, '办公器材19', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备19a4jih', 19000.00000000, 0, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司19p3d8', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:10', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:50:00', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (230, 2, NULL, '办公器材20', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备20kqvx5', 20000.00000000, 0, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司20snpl', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:10', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:50:01', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (231, 2, NULL, '办公器材21', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备21g16rc', 21000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司21vsae', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:10', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:50:01', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
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INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (233, 2, NULL, '办公器材23', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备23thiec', 23000.00000000, 0, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司237br4', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:11', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:50:01', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (234, 2, NULL, '办公器材24', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备243vjtv', 24000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司24fhuh', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:11', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:50:01', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (235, 2, NULL, '办公器材25', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备25q4i47', 25000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司258dio', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:11', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:50:01', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (236, 2, NULL, '办公器材26', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备26dzez1', 26000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司26ssqp', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:12', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:50:02', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (237, 2, NULL, '办公器材27', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备272i8a8', 27000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司273kc7', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:12', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:50:02', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (238, 2, NULL, '办公器材28', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备285ptp6', 28000.00000000, 0, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司287jvc', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:12', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:50:02', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (239, 2, NULL, '办公器材29', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备29ac8nj', 29000.00000000, 0, 3, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司29sl2h', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:12', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:50:02', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (240, 2, NULL, '办公器材30', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备3004sqj', 30000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司30pqid', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:13', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:50:02', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (241, 2, NULL, '办公器材31', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备313phzg', 31000.00000000, 0, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司31g3w9', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:13', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:50:02', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (242, 2, NULL, '办公器材32', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备32m7776', 32000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司326nh0', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:13', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:50:03', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (243, 2, NULL, '办公器材33', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备33bvij2', 33000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司33vir3', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:13', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:50:03', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (244, 2, NULL, '办公器材34', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备347petb', 34000.00000000, 0, 3, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司34jd1b', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:14', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:50:03', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (245, 2, NULL, '办公器材35', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备35d5u9t', 35000.00000000, 0, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司351pri', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:14', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:50:03', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (246, 2, NULL, '办公器材36', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备36t63f7', 36000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司362pgl', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:14', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:50:03', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (247, 2, NULL, '办公器材37', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备37o8j3o', 37000.00000000, 0, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司372mmj', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:14', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:50:03', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (248, 2, NULL, '办公器材38', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备38otw1v', 38000.00000000, 0, 3, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司38us0j', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:15', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:50:03', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (249, 2, NULL, '办公器材39', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备393yk15', 39000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司39sl2w', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:15', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:50:04', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (250, 2, NULL, '办公器材40', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备40pj6md', 40000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司40atro', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:15', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:50:04', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (251, 2, NULL, '办公器材41', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备41fx9j3', 41000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司41aojk', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:15', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:50:04', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (252, 2, NULL, '办公器材42', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备42f9r0p', 42000.00000000, 0, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司42jutg', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:15', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:50:04', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (253, 2, NULL, '办公器材43', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备437auqe', 43000.00000000, 0, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司43h8kf', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:16', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:50:04', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (254, 2, NULL, '办公器材44', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备44xi7cz', 44000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司44j9ju', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:16', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:50:04', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (255, 2, NULL, '办公器材45', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备454xy31', 45000.00000000, 0, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司454xos', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:16', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:50:05', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (256, 2, NULL, '办公器材46', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备46mt3cd', 46000.00000000, 0, 3, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司4698jf', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:16', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:50:05', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (257, 2, NULL, '办公器材47', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备47lxctv', 47000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司47lo8y', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:17', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:50:05', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (258, 2, NULL, '办公器材48', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备481kxph', 48000.00000000, 0, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司48q3fr', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:17', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:50:05', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (259, 2, NULL, '办公器材49', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备49qiqg8', 49000.00000000, 0, 3, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司49o57s', NULL, '2024-04-09 00:29:17', NULL, '2024-04-09 00:28:25', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (260, 2, NULL, '办公器材50', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备50sbd9k', 50000.00000000, 0, 3, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司50kqaf', NULL, '2024-04-09 00:29:17', NULL, '2024-04-09 00:28:31', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (261, 2, NULL, '办公器材51', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备51xnbc5', 51000.00000000, 0, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司512s39', NULL, '2024-03-20 00:29:18', NULL, '2024-04-09 00:28:41', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (262, 2, NULL, '办公器材52', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备52kyaxa', 52000.00000000, 0, 3, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司52rlxu', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:18', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:50:06', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (263, 2, NULL, '办公器材53', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备537cejj', 53000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司53ny90', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:18', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:50:06', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (264, 2, NULL, '办公器材54', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备54ads8o', 54000.00000000, 0, 3, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司547zzs', NULL, '2024-04-02 00:29:18', NULL, '2024-04-09 00:28:52', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (265, 2, NULL, '办公器材55', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备55xwkv1', 55000.00000000, 0, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司553l2h', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:19', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:50:06', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (266, 2, NULL, '办公器材56', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备56f5tn0', 56000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司56d0sh', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:19', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:50:06', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (267, 2, NULL, '办公器材57', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备57ej4p8', 57000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司572il9', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:19', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:50:07', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (268, 2, NULL, '办公器材58', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备581wzw3', 58000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司585kl2', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:19', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:50:07', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (269, 2, NULL, '办公器材59', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备59e12gg', 59000.00000000, 0, 3, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司59l4hl', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:19', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:50:07', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (270, 2, NULL, '办公器材60', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备604rlui', 60000.00000000, 0, 3, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司604eva', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:20', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:50:07', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (271, 2, NULL, '办公器材61', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备61hjv84', 61000.00000000, 0, 3, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司61n1pw', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:20', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:50:07', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (272, 2, NULL, '办公器材62', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备62uxylo', 62000.00000000, 0, 2, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司62h83z', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:20', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:50:07', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (273, 2, NULL, '办公器材63', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备63hqmyl', 63000.00000000, 0, 3, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司63p89t', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:21', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:50:08', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (274, 2, NULL, '办公器材64', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备643rtc2', 64000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司64g120', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:21', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:50:08', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (275, 2, NULL, '办公器材65', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备65d5h55', 65000.00000000, 0, 3, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司654lnh', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:21', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:50:08', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (276, 2, NULL, '办公器材66', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备66fiqm6', 66000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司669ksr', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:21', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:50:08', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (277, 2, NULL, '办公器材67', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备6714ef0', 67000.00000000, 0, 3, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司671hwv', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:22', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:50:08', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (278, 2, NULL, '办公器材68', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备680chwf', 68000.00000000, 0, 3, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司680zgt', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:22', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:50:08', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (279, 2, NULL, '办公器材69', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备69g4nzl', 69000.00000000, 0, 1, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司69bf6o', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:22', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:50:08', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (280, 2, NULL, '办公器材70', '2020年新购置办公设备、电脑设备7018axe', 70000.00000000, 0, 3, '123@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司707vom', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:29:22', NULL, '2024-03-22 00:50:09', NULL, NULL, 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO `bill` VALUES (354, 2, NULL, '体育器材', '羽毛球十一副', 2290.00000000, 2, 0, '29602589903@qq.com', '中山领航科技公司票据部门', NULL, '2024-03-22 01:09:28', NULL, '2024-03-22 01:09:47', NULL, '84fa4f586f190886ea8708c49e8645f5a9a1ea04', 3, '');
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for sys_dept
@ -417,20 +429,21 @@ CREATE TABLE `sys_dept` (
INDEX `inx_pid`(`pid` ASC) USING BTREE,
INDEX `inx_enabled`(`enabled` ASC) USING BTREE
) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 228 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb3 COLLATE = utf8mb3_general_ci COMMENT = '部门' ROW_FORMAT = COMPACT;
) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 236 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb3 COLLATE = utf8mb3_general_ci COMMENT = '部门' ROW_FORMAT = COMPACT;
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of sys_dept
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO `sys_dept` VALUES (210, NULL, 0, '管理部门', 999, b'1', NULL, NULL, '2024-01-15 05:59:55', '2024-01-23 08:47:48', '管理部门');
INSERT INTO `sys_dept` VALUES (215, NULL, 0, '华南地区', 999, b'1', NULL, NULL, '2024-01-24 02:21:08', NULL, '华南地区');
INSERT INTO `sys_dept` VALUES (215, NULL, 0, '华南地区', 999, b'1', NULL, NULL, '2024-01-24 02:21:08', '2024-02-05 03:53:00', '华南地区');
INSERT INTO `sys_dept` VALUES (216, NULL, 0, '华北地区', 999, b'1', NULL, NULL, '2024-01-24 02:23:49', NULL, '华北地区');
INSERT INTO `sys_dept` VALUES (217, NULL, 0, '东北地区', 999, b'1', NULL, NULL, '2024-01-24 02:24:06', NULL, '东北地区');
INSERT INTO `sys_dept` VALUES (218, NULL, 0, '华东地区', 999, b'1', NULL, NULL, '2024-01-24 02:24:28', NULL, '华东地区');
INSERT INTO `sys_dept` VALUES (218, NULL, 0, '华东地区', 999, b'1', NULL, NULL, '2024-01-24 02:24:28', '2024-02-05 03:53:04', '华东地区');
INSERT INTO `sys_dept` VALUES (219, NULL, 0, '华中地区', 999, b'1', NULL, NULL, '2024-01-24 02:24:49', NULL, '华中地区');
INSERT INTO `sys_dept` VALUES (220, NULL, 0, '西南地区', 999, b'1', NULL, NULL, '2024-01-24 02:25:06', NULL, '西南地区');
INSERT INTO `sys_dept` VALUES (221, NULL, 0, '西北地区', 999, b'1', NULL, NULL, '2024-01-24 02:26:28', NULL, '西北地区');
INSERT INTO `sys_dept` VALUES (222, NULL, 0, '港澳台地区', 999, b'1', NULL, NULL, '2024-01-24 02:26:55', NULL, '港澳台地区');
INSERT INTO `sys_dept` VALUES (222, NULL, 0, '港澳台地区', 999, b'1', NULL, NULL, '2024-01-24 02:26:55', '2024-01-25 11:29:52', '港澳台地区');
INSERT INTO `sys_dept` VALUES (235, NULL, 0, '用户部门', 999, b'1', NULL, NULL, '2024-03-22 00:07:32', NULL, '普通用户');
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for sys_role
@ -451,14 +464,14 @@ CREATE TABLE `sys_role` (
UNIQUE INDEX `uniq_name`(`name` ASC) USING BTREE,
INDEX `role_name_index`(`name` ASC) USING BTREE
) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 75 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb3 COLLATE = utf8mb3_general_ci COMMENT = '角色表' ROW_FORMAT = COMPACT;
) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 84 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb3 COLLATE = utf8mb3_general_ci COMMENT = '角色表' ROW_FORMAT = COMPACT;
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of sys_role
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO `sys_role` VALUES (50, '超级管理员', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2024-01-15 05:59:55', '2024-01-20 14:16:33', b'1', 'admin');
INSERT INTO `sys_role` VALUES (51, '普通用户', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2024-01-16 09:22:30', '2024-01-16 13:24:47', b'1', NULL);
INSERT INTO `sys_role` VALUES (54, '审核员', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2024-01-19 16:15:45', '2024-01-24 14:48:55', b'1', '审核员');
INSERT INTO `sys_role` VALUES (50, 'admin', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2024-01-15 05:59:55', '2024-01-30 08:16:43', b'1', 'admin');
INSERT INTO `sys_role` VALUES (51, 'user', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2024-01-16 09:22:30', '2024-02-21 07:06:10', b'1', '客户');
INSERT INTO `sys_role` VALUES (54, 'auditor', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2024-01-19 16:15:45', '2024-01-24 14:48:55', b'1', '审核员');
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for sys_role_authorities
@ -473,38 +486,6 @@ CREATE TABLE `sys_role_authorities` (
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of sys_role_authorities
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (34, 'ROLE_UPDATE');
INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (34, 'USER_UPDATE');
INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (34, 'DEPT_QUERY');
INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (34, 'DEPT_DELETE');
INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (34, 'USER_CREATE');
INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (34, 'DEPT_CREATE');
INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (34, 'ROLE_CREATE');
INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (34, 'ROLE_QUERY');
INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (34, 'DEPT_UPDATE');
INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (34, 'USER_QUERY');
INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (34, 'ROLE_UPDATE');
INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (35, 'USER_UPDATE');
INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (35, 'DEPT_QUERY');
INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (35, 'DEPT_DELETE');
INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (35, 'USER_CREATE');
INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (35, 'DEPT_CREATE');
INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (35, 'ROLE_CREATE');
INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (38, 'ROLE_UPDATE');
INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (38, 'DEPT_UPDATE');
INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (41, 'DEPT_UPDATE');
INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (41, 'USER_QUERY');
INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (41, 'USER_DELETE');
INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (41, 'ROLE_UPDATE');
INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (41, 'DEPT_CREATE');
INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (41, 'USER_CREATE');
INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (41, 'ROLE_QUERY');
INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (41, 'DEPT_QUERY');
INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (41, 'USER_UPDATE');
INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (41, 'DEPT_DELETE');
INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (41, 'ROLE_CREATE');
INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (47, 'DEPT_UPDATE');
INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (47, 'ROLE_UPDATE');
INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (50, 'ROLE_CREATE');
INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (50, 'DEPT_QUERY');
INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (50, 'DEPT_DELETE');
@ -516,8 +497,17 @@ INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (50, 'USER_CREATE');
INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (50, 'DEPT_UPDATE');
INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (50, 'USER_DELETE');
INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (50, 'DEPT_CREATE');
INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (54, 'DEPT_QUERY');
INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (54, 'DEPT_CREATE');
INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (50, 'BILL_QUERY');
INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (50, 'BILL_CREATE');
INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (51, 'ROLE_QUERY');
INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (51, 'BILL_CREATE');
INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (51, 'USER_QUERY');
INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (51, 'DEPT_QUERY');
INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (51, 'BILL_QUERY');
INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (54, 'BILL_QUERY');
INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (54, 'BILL_AUDIT');
INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (51, 'BILL_UPDATE');
INSERT INTO `sys_role_authorities` VALUES (51, 'BILL_DELETE');
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for sys_roles_depts
@ -558,28 +548,42 @@ CREATE TABLE `sys_user` (
`remark` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb3 COLLATE utf8mb3_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`enabled` bit(1) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '状态',
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of sys_user
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO `sys_user` VALUES (1, 172, 34, 'admin', '{bcrypt}$2a$10$lwEbMpGYMIcVpuVXIWBSlOO7d085buqONGjTuY4tg3rz84y/xFQXe', '19897785991', 'zsc3456@qq.com', '林艳燕', '1', 'http://dummyimage.com/100x100', '青海省太原市南区阳光小区', b'0', NULL, NULL, '2024-01-11 09:57:48', '2024-01-11 18:31:29', NULL, b'1');
INSERT INTO `sys_user` VALUES (2, 47, 35, 'user', '{bcrypt}$2a$10$R5qaOOGWtRafshnZhp7JH.UNAq5eul2c2CvM.GXreNIwZBMPsKmAy', '18112287692', 'd.fyxpbtmxsg@qq.com', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, b'0', NULL, NULL, '2024-01-11 10:48:16', NULL, NULL, b'1');
INSERT INTO `sys_user` VALUES (3, 47, 34, 'fan', '{bcrypt}$2a$10$VX2qOwjbZxSFhggcXztsAe4AFQrMQoEQuUpLGaf74bbD9ZhrqKu3C', '18112287672', 'd.fyxpb9mxsg@qq.com', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, b'0', NULL, NULL, '2024-01-12 12:06:42', '2024-01-15 08:36:28', NULL, b'1');
INSERT INTO `sys_user` VALUES (4, NULL, 51, '1`1', '{bcrypt}$2a$10$ZDmPG6gqUaN0vsoNS6j70.uA5FKHZE5nRMKZf/6WHfrGgf/q3UJdW', '13502325', '2960203@qq.com', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, b'0', NULL, NULL, '2024-01-16 03:52:13', NULL, NULL, b'1');
INSERT INTO `sys_user` VALUES (1, 210, 50, 'admin', '{bcrypt}$2a$10$lwEbMpGYMIcVpuVXIWBSlOO7d085buqONGjTuY4tg3rz84y/xFQXe', '19897785991', 'zsc3456@qq.com', '林艳燕', '1', '35bd7d32843a413f3cd2486114318d6ccd5f9d62', '青海省太原市南区阳光小区', b'0', NULL, NULL, '2024-01-11 09:57:48', '2024-01-11 18:31:29', NULL, b'1');
INSERT INTO `sys_user` VALUES (2, 47, 51, 'user', '{bcrypt}$2a$10$R5qaOOGWtRafshnZhp7JH.UNAq5eul2c2CvM.GXreNIwZBMPsKmAy', '18112287699', 'd.fyxpbtmxsg@qq.com', 'user', NULL, '35bd7d32843a413f3cd2486114318d6ccd5f9d62', NULL, b'0', NULL, NULL, '2024-01-11 10:48:16', '2024-02-05 03:50:38', NULL, b'1');
INSERT INTO `sys_user` VALUES (3, 215, 54, 'fan', '{bcrypt}$2a$10$bBm.mxf5abNzeJXFwMgIberTxMr1nVv5eUt805YCaPvDfKX0ldb/6', '18112287672', 'd.fyxpb@qq.com', '一89', NULL, '84fa4f586f190886ea8708c49e8645f5a9a1ea04', NULL, b'0', NULL, NULL, '2024-01-12 12:06:42', '2024-01-15 08:36:28', NULL, b'1');
INSERT INTO `sys_user` VALUES (4, 219, 51, '1`1', '{bcrypt}$2a$10$ZDmPG6gqUaN0vsoNS6j70.uA5FKHZE5nRMKZf/6WHfrGgf/q3UJdW', '13502325', '2960203@qq.com', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, b'0', NULL, NULL, '2024-01-16 03:52:13', '2024-02-13 08:40:27', NULL, b'1');
INSERT INTO `sys_user` VALUES (5, NULL, 51, '12', '{bcrypt}$2a$10$N4PqKhlXpMAU7nJPI/Mm5uZDoYc7X0qvsSiUgtHBykVk3Cjs1Yxm.', '13502326', '29603@qq.com', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, b'0', NULL, NULL, '2024-01-16 06:14:30', NULL, NULL, b'1');
INSERT INTO `sys_user` VALUES (6, NULL, 51, 'sqwe', '{bcrypt}$2a$10$PDdjFOnTF123RcTiOKu9EuKTvtGPiyy2jJxjnk5ToUzmId20OoZsW', '131312313', '123@qq.com', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, b'0', NULL, NULL, '2024-01-16 06:19:24', NULL, NULL, b'1');
INSERT INTO `sys_user` VALUES (7, NULL, 51, '123123', '{bcrypt}$2a$10$4./cDROSXEt5DHsNH6ouz.Ay0gd6wajuIkBXh1VHUySect9Lvmqxe', '13543225886', '29602324003@qq.com', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, b'0', NULL, NULL, '2024-01-16 06:22:50', NULL, NULL, b'1');
INSERT INTO `sys_user` VALUES (6, NULL, 51, 'sqwe', '{bcrypt}$2a$10$PDdjFOnTF123RcTiOKu9EuKTvtGPiyy2jJxjnk5ToUzmId20OoZsW', '131312313', '123@qq.com', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, b'0', NULL, NULL, '2024-01-16 06:19:24', '2024-04-03 00:27:04', NULL, b'0');
INSERT INTO `sys_user` VALUES (7, 215, 54, '123123', '{bcrypt}$2a$10$4./cDROSXEt5DHsNH6ouz.Ay0gd6wajuIkBXh1VHUySect9Lvmqxe', '13543225886', '29602324003@qq.com', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, b'0', NULL, NULL, '2024-01-16 06:22:50', '2024-03-12 07:33:03', NULL, b'0');
INSERT INTO `sys_user` VALUES (9, NULL, 51, '2131', '{bcrypt}$2a$10$Hko/uEB0/hLqZTcAis58LuPjEsQXOYKH4FH2woJJKa0MxsoZtNrOi', '13502325789', '098765@qq.com', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, b'0', NULL, NULL, '2024-01-16 06:59:06', '2024-01-16 12:42:03', NULL, b'0');
INSERT INTO `sys_user` VALUES (10, NULL, 51, 'adafafak', '{bcrypt}$2a$10$9X96pUTqP3ER7cEdESGhl.hf4t5113ck3p7uNqR8/xN6NzqZ5PHSy', '5678325826', '178689003@qq.com', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, b'0', NULL, NULL, '2024-01-16 06:59:39', '2024-01-16 12:07:26', NULL, b'0');
INSERT INTO `sys_user` VALUES (11, NULL, 51, '4124', '{bcrypt}$2a$10$BQFP2Io0zIjjxzRpaP4FLOPvCt8Nr41Z2HU.tz.YhcDIDoUOltY9.', '13502345678', '25620045673@qq.com', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, b'0', NULL, NULL, '2024-01-16 13:34:53', '2024-01-16 14:44:47', NULL, b'1');
INSERT INTO `sys_user` VALUES (11, 218, 50, '4124', '{bcrypt}$2a$10$BQFP2Io0zIjjxzRpaP4FLOPvCt8Nr41Z2HU.tz.YhcDIDoUOltY9.', '13502345678', '25620045673@qq.com', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, b'0', NULL, NULL, '2024-01-16 13:34:53', '2024-01-16 14:44:47', NULL, b'1');
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INSERT INTO `sys_user` VALUES (14, NULL, 51, '123', '{bcrypt}$2a$10$.iskk78ms1M226ag0N6K4OSMhkHHdvOwGdjCjhWQH8atr25bpVOP6', '123345678', '296027803@qq.com', '123', NULL, NULL, 'xf', b'0', NULL, NULL, '2024-01-24 02:40:26', '2024-01-24 03:14:14', NULL, b'1');
INSERT INTO `sys_user` VALUES (15, NULL, NULL, '许强', '123456', '18105318781', 'z.qqosgqfqe@qq.com', '邹静', NULL, 'http://dummyimage.com/100x100', '宁夏回族自治区海南藏族自治州宁国市', b'0', NULL, NULL, '2024-01-24 03:01:48', NULL, 'consequat', b'1');
INSERT INTO `sys_user` VALUES (16, 50, 51, '顾娜', '{bcrypt}$2a$10$iMywIFDFOts8oJ1B1YcYJOdHbzBIonF4r5Ym7lTRoiDs4gr10BoQy', '18614928444', 'b.qbvpmj@qq.com', '宋杰', NULL, 'http://dummyimage.com/100x100', '湖南省齐齐哈尔市禄劝彝族苗族自治县', b'0', NULL, NULL, '2024-01-24 03:02:31', NULL, 'incididunt Ut irure deserunt', b'1');
INSERT INTO `sys_user` VALUES (17, NULL, 51, 'qaz', '{bcrypt}$2a$10$PZgh7UTODg8kSTS7Y2Bdy.W.zk3bwhNn67cgZ/bJxsNlgkwjWz1NK', '13506785886', '296iuuii003@qq.com', 'bj ', NULL, NULL, '香港', b'0', NULL, NULL, '2024-01-24 03:14:48', NULL, NULL, b'1');
INSERT INTO `sys_user` VALUES (13, NULL, 51, 'test`', '{bcrypt}$2a$10$npnzn1Xyw4h1yzOXaa5QIeIfF0Afk70n1OXqCnHYAtzP1IBdb.YKe', '12345678978', '29667803@qq.com', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, b'0', NULL, NULL, '2024-01-18 04:27:32', '2024-01-25 08:57:43', NULL, b'1');
INSERT INTO `sys_user` VALUES (14, 216, 51, '123', '{bcrypt}$2a$10$.iskk78ms1M226ag0N6K4OSMhkHHdvOwGdjCjhWQH8atr25bpVOP6', '18614928444', 'b.qbvpmj@qq.com', '123', NULL, NULL, '湖南省齐齐哈尔市禄劝彝族苗族自治县', b'0', NULL, NULL, '2024-01-24 02:40:26', '2024-01-24 03:14:14', NULL, b'1');
INSERT INTO `sys_user` VALUES (15, 218, NULL, '许强', '123456', '18105318781', 'z.qqosgqfqe@qq.com', '邹静', NULL, 'http://dummyimage.com/100x100', '宁夏回族自治区海南藏族自治州宁国市', b'0', NULL, NULL, '2024-01-24 03:01:48', '2024-02-15 02:55:55', 'consequat', b'1');
INSERT INTO `sys_user` VALUES (16, 50, 51, '顾娜', '{bcrypt}$2a$10$iMywIFDFOts8oJ1B1YcYJOdHbzBIonF4r5Ym7lTRoiDs4gr10BoQy', '18614928444', 'b.qbvpmj@qq.com', '宋杰', NULL, 'http://dummyimage.com/100x100', '湖南省齐齐哈尔市禄劝彝族苗族自治县', b'0', NULL, NULL, '2024-01-24 03:02:31', '2024-01-25 08:57:12', 'incididunt Ut irure deserunt', b'1');
INSERT INTO `sys_user` VALUES (17, NULL, 51, 'qaz', '{bcrypt}$2a$10$PZgh7UTODg8kSTS7Y2Bdy.W.zk3bwhNn67cgZ/bJxsNlgkwjWz1NK', '13506785889', '296iuuii003@qq.com', 'bj ', NULL, NULL, '香港', b'0', NULL, NULL, '2024-01-24 03:14:48', '2024-01-25 08:59:17', NULL, b'1');
INSERT INTO `sys_user` VALUES (18, NULL, 51, '信息', '{bcrypt}$2a$10$UJoxr13YaCPo//CA8mPGU.sl86CspnlzR3FknwIEjdvEjwjlnAATi', '12345676899', '6789252003@qq.com', 'h ', NULL, NULL, '香港', b'0', NULL, NULL, '2024-01-24 14:53:10', '2024-01-24 14:53:39', NULL, b'1');
INSERT INTO `sys_user` VALUES (19, NULL, 51, '2414', '{bcrypt}$2a$10$v8BPvl5BrpMwPti8bYU.luBOo6SgCGInyANYatlcUjjpHqHKqmKLq', '12779800032', '', '', NULL, NULL, '', b'0', NULL, NULL, '2024-01-25 09:00:59', '2024-01-25 09:24:29', NULL, b'1');
INSERT INTO `sys_user` VALUES (20, 219, 54, 'zxc', '{bcrypt}$2a$10$JMiwC4480AdMw.F7.GkqS.l2GW65lggmUrv/D0sQEOQsXj/SUQSgG', '13502456786', '2789092003@qq.com', 'zxc', NULL, NULL, NULL, b'0', NULL, NULL, '2024-01-25 15:21:19', NULL, NULL, b'1');
INSERT INTO `sys_user` VALUES (21, 210, 54, 'asd', '{bcrypt}$2a$10$9yAql02BVzVoxpO0XG/hn.mKLY83sOPzn1NvLMHPnObu8Namfwc0O', '13909856700', '234567903@qq.com', 'asd', NULL, NULL, '湖南省齐齐1', b'0', NULL, NULL, '2024-01-25 15:24:14', '2024-01-26 01:48:10', NULL, b'1');
INSERT INTO `sys_user` VALUES (22, 218, 54, 'asdg', '{bcrypt}$2a$10$cO4Hjo0UHq5Zu8VB/OW8EuRBKcTZ05obAjALMe.uiyjIdGBW5vUSa', '13909889700', '234599903@qq.com', '1246人员', NULL, NULL, '湖南省', b'0', NULL, NULL, '2024-01-26 05:59:34', '2024-01-26 06:00:03', NULL, b'1');
INSERT INTO `sys_user` VALUES (23, 215, 54, 'hyq', '{bcrypt}$2a$10$NliUdQD1/jXcsNOV.zhXuOgNsOxAhEeb37TTLwey8Hs6WvmjABP5y', '13599005886', '29602589903@qq.com', 'nckn67', NULL, NULL, '香港', b'0', NULL, NULL, '2024-01-29 12:41:07', '2024-01-29 12:52:02', NULL, b'1');
INSERT INTO `sys_user` VALUES (24, 215, 54, 'cqp', '{bcrypt}$2a$10$M3Chl1WodN5WErvtgpjBJ.TAdpstLsyMG7pYgmh.gqslYr64ai32m', '13599005906', '29602580903@qq.com', 'cyp', NULL, NULL, '香港', b'0', NULL, NULL, '2024-02-15 02:59:46', '2024-02-15 03:02:10', NULL, b'1');
INSERT INTO `sys_user` VALUES (25, 215, 51, '多表', '{bcrypt}$2a$10$KlIUOr4OzTX3Ayfg.bB0hei0.IsyoFiOmlfayxAtMRxKQ2Kos5yVC', '13599005810', '2960903@qq.com', '是的', NULL, NULL, '香港', b'0', NULL, NULL, '2024-02-15 14:29:43', NULL, NULL, b'1');
INSERT INTO `sys_user` VALUES (26, 219, 51, 'userTest', '{bcrypt}$2a$10$o7oW3IYSOOL8FaOaRn/F6OIEPpjmkwqRc7gQ5ZJb4h.BieOdq8QwW', '18614978444', 'b.qb78mj@qq.com', 'user', NULL, NULL, '湖南省齐齐哈尔市禄劝彝族', b'0', NULL, NULL, '2024-02-17 11:43:41', '2024-02-19 02:22:32', NULL, b'1');
INSERT INTO `sys_user` VALUES (27, 216, 51, 'zsc', '{bcrypt}$2a$10$XT8/VM/2O2Ttg83zP3Zwv.f6UTHrgl9fuhBnr9gTb4uA0niGy52P.', '13334502972', '29653503@qq.com', 'zsc', NULL, NULL, '香港', b'0', NULL, NULL, '2024-02-19 02:24:31', NULL, NULL, b'1');
INSERT INTO `sys_user` VALUES (28, 215, 51, 'Java', '{bcrypt}$2a$10$nX5JUekwjDxFbz0McpyTwuwQjjKK2330iPe4vsDrVcr6O4KNxuEfi', '13345678978', '123Java@qq.com', 'Javanb', NULL, NULL, '中山市石岐区', b'0', NULL, NULL, '2024-02-21 01:48:14', '2024-02-21 01:49:50', NULL, b'1');
INSERT INTO `sys_user` VALUES (29, 215, 54, 'spring', '{bcrypt}$2a$10$fDsf0aOysaRdrEPT1xpAl.lF9Rs5ughW9Bgq/Nl4H10gq//NbXIv.', '16567898765', '1234spring@qq.om', 'spring1', NULL, NULL, '中山市', b'0', NULL, NULL, '2024-02-21 01:49:13', '2024-02-21 01:56:05', NULL, b'1');
INSERT INTO `sys_user` VALUES (30, 215, 54, 'asc', '{bcrypt}$2a$10$dy5Z4O5Q90jpRLCkttvSDOjdoB84UV9M5PPcN2Dq72.9y870mkYb2', '18614928489', '567890@qq.com', 'asc', NULL, '195bd3517bfcd9915906957730bdd6fef7fa5a86', '湖南省齐齐哈尔市禄劝彝族苗族自治县', b'0', NULL, NULL, '2024-03-07 07:50:28', '2024-03-07 07:56:33', NULL, b'1');
INSERT INTO `sys_user` VALUES (31, 215, 51, 'chen', '{bcrypt}$2a$10$rT2dErDtNNgKhELuKTRAoO4PGmu454S2QKIbuohEXps7hIciT8gnu', '13582728733', '13582728733@qq.com', 'chen_test', NULL, NULL, '香港', b'0', NULL, NULL, '2024-03-21 12:08:16', '2024-03-21 12:10:49', NULL, b'1');
INSERT INTO `sys_user` VALUES (32, 235, 51, 'zhang', '{bcrypt}$2a$10$5RsUeZGrMzWr0SBbwePrGO6RB0WvRXOH9sSMYIIRthT6KHYUgfkgO', '13467697689', '13467697689@qq.com', 'ZHNAG', NULL, NULL, '', b'0', NULL, NULL, '2024-03-22 00:09:34', NULL, NULL, b'1');
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for sys_users_roles

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@ -19,7 +20,7 @@
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<result property="comment" column="audit_time" jdbcType="VARCHAR"/>

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<result column="name" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="name"/>

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